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© Research
Publication : Nature communications

Regulation of Notch output dynamics via specific E(spl)-HLH factors during bristle patterning in Drosophila.

Scientific Fields

Published in Nature communications - 01 Dec 2019

Couturier L, Mazouni K, Corson F, Schweisguth F

Link to Pubmed [PMID] – 31375669

Link to HAL – pasteur-02348104

Link to DOI – 10.1038/s41467-019-11477-2

Nat Commun 2019 Aug; 10(1): 3486

The stereotyped arrangement of sensory bristles on the adult fly thorax arises from a self-organized process, in which inhibitory Notch signaling both delimits proneural stripes and singles out sensory organ precursor cells (SOPs). A dynamic balance between proneural factors and Enhancer of split-HLH (E(spl)-HLH) Notch targets underlies patterning, but how this is regulated is unclear. Here, were identify two classes of E(spl)-HLH factors, whose expression both precedes and delimits proneural activity, and is dependent on proneural activity and required for proper SOP spacing within the stripes, respectively. These two classes are partially redundant, since a member of the second class, that is normally cross-repressed by members of the first class, can functionally compensate for their absence. The regulation of specific E(spl)-HLH genes by proneural factors amplifies the response to Notch as SOPs are being selected, contributing to patterning dynamics in the notum, and likely operates in other developmental contexts.