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© Research
Publication : The Journal of general virology

Nef promotes evasion of human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected cells from the CTLA-4-mediated inhibition of T-cell activation

Scientific Fields

Published in The Journal of general virology - 27 Jan 2015

El-Far M, Ancuta P, Routy JP, Zhang Y, Bakeman W, Bordi R, DaFonseca S, Said EA, Gosselin A, Tep TS, Eichbaum Q, van Grevenynghe J, Schwartz O, Freeman GJ, Haddad EK, Chomont N, Sékaly RP

Link to Pubmed [PMID] – 25626682

J. Gen. Virol. 2015 Jun;96(Pt 6):1463-77

CTLA-4 is a negative regulator of T-cell receptor-mediated CD4(+) T-cell activation and function. Upregulation of CTLA-4 during human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection on activated T cells, particularly on HIV-specific CD4(+) T cells, correlates with immune dysfunction and disease progression. As HIV-1 infects and replicates in activated CD4(+) T cells, we investigated mechanisms by which HIV-1 modulates CTLA-4 expression to establish productive viral infection in these cells. Here, we demonstrate that HIV-1 infection in activated CD4(+) T cells was followed by Nef-mediated downregulation of CTLA-4. This was associated with a decreased T-cell activation threshold and significant resistance to CTLA-4 triggering. In line with these in vitro results, quantification of pro-viral HIV DNA from treatment-naive HIV-infected subjects demonstrated a preferential infection of memory CD4(+)CTLA-4(+) T cells, thus identifying CTLA-4 as a biomarker for HIV-infected cells in vivo. As transcriptionally active HIV-1 and Nef expression in vivo were previously shown to take place mainly in the CD3(+)CD4(-)CD8(-) [double-negative (DN)] cells, we further quantified HIV DNA in the CTLA-4(+) and CTLA-4(-) subpopulations of these cells. Our results showed that DN T cells lacking CTLA-4 expression were enriched in HIV DNA compared with DN CTLA-4(+) cells. Together, these results suggested that HIV-1 preferential infection of CD4(+)CTLA-4(+) T cells in vivo was followed by Nef-mediated concomitant downregulation of both CD4 and CTLA-4 upon transition to productive infection. This also highlights the propensity of HIV-1 to evade restriction of the key negative immune regulator CTLA-4 on cell activation and viral replication, and therefore contributes to the overall HIV-1 pathogenesis.