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© Uwe Maskos
Tranche d'hippocampe de souris colorée avec deux toxines spécifiques de sous-types de récepteur nicotinique, en rouge (grains), et en vert (corps cellulaires). L'hippocampe est la zone du cerveau qui gère la mémoire spatiale.
Publication : Cancers

CD147 Promotes Tumor Lymphangiogenesis in Melanoma via PROX-1.

Scientific Fields

Published in Cancers - 28 Sep 2021

Reger de Moura C, Landras A, Khayati F, Maskos U, Maouche K, Battistella M, Menashi S, Lebbé C, Mourah S,

Link to Pubmed [PMID] – 34638342

Link to DOI – 485910.3390/cancers13194859

Cancers (Basel) 2021 Sep; 13(19):

Malignant melanoma is one of the most aggressive skin cancers and is characterized by early lymph node metastasis and the capacity to develop resistance to therapies. Hence, understanding the regulation of lymphangiogenesis through mechanisms contributing to lymphatic vessel formation represents a treatment strategy for metastatic cancer. We have previously shown that CD147, a transmembrane glycoprotein overexpressed in melanoma, regulates the angiogenic process in endothelial cells. In this study, we show a correlation between high CD147 expression levels and the number of lymphatic vessels expressing LYVE-1, Podoplanin, and VEGFR-3 in human melanoma lymph nodes. CD147 upregulates in vitro lymphangiogenesis and its related mediators through the PROX-1 transcription factor. In vivo studies in a melanoma model confirmed that CD147 is involved in metastasis through a similar mechanism as in vitro. This study, demonstrating the paracrine role of CD147 in the lymphangiogenesis process, suggests that CD147 could be a promising target for the inhibition of melanoma-associated lymphangiogenesis.