Bacteria [375]
Aniket Saraf
Collection of Cyanobacteria
Labex GIL: Methanobrevibacter and Veillonella crosstalk with the intestinal mucosa in the context of health and inflammation
Simonetta Gribaldo
Rita Azevedo
Rita Azevedo joined as a research engineer in 2022 at Matondo’s Proteomics Platform, Mass Spectrometry for Biology Utechs (MSBio), Institut Pasteur, Paris, France. She is involved in a conjunct project between Institut Pasteur and […]
Minh-Ha Nguyen
Biological NMR and HDX-MS Technological Platform
Minh-Ha Nguyen is a research engineer at the NMR platform of the Pasteur Institute. She earned her PhD in Biochemistry in 2019, specializing in protein solution NMR, at the lab of Olivier Walker in […]
Alexandre Elabbadi
Epidemiology and Modelling of Antibacterial Evasion (EMAE)
Alexandre Elabbadi is a pulmonary specialist physician. His research interests are mainly focused on lower respiratory infections, especially in critical care patients. He is since November 2022 at the Pasteur Institute as PhD student. […]
SMELLPARK. Role of nasal dysbiosis in Parkinson disease
Françoise Lazarini-Serandour • Pierre-Marie Lledo • Valérie Caro • Yoann Madec
Quentin Leclerc
Quentin Leclerc is a mathematical modeller in infectious disease epidemiology at Institut Pasteur and CNAM. He is currently studying the potential impact of vaccination to combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in healthcare environments, as part […]
Sylvain Brisse
Metabolic host-bacteria interactions
Pedro Escoll
The Nano Flow Cytometry Pipeline
Sophie Novault
Bacterial responses to antimicrobial stress
Zeynep Baharoglu
Chloé Baum
Biomics – Wet-Lab
U1306 – Host-Microbe interactions and pathophysiology
Ivo Gomperts Boneca
Fabien Compeau
Sorry, this entry is only available in FR.
Sara Napolitano
InBio: Experimental and Computational Methods for Modeling Cellular Processes
I am a Biomedical Engineer by training and I’ve always been interested in understanding the mechanisms that control biological complex processes. Recently, I became convinced that steering those mechanisms will allow us to understand […]