Cyanobactérie souche "PCC 9401". Souche de la "Pasteur Culture Collection of Cyanobacteria" conservée à l'état axénique dans l'Unité des Cyanobactéries. La PCC est l'une des Collections spécialisées de l'Institut Pasteur.
iGEM Pasteur Team ranked in the Bronze Medal category at the Giant Jamboree in Boston
The iGEM Pasteur scored at the Bronze medal level in the iGEM competition in September 2015 !
The Plasticure project addressed the transformation of Plastic waste (poly ethylene terephthalate PET) by a modified E. coli bacteria to express genes able to degrade plastics, and eventually to couple this reaction to the synthesis of an antibiotic , Erythromycin A. The week long contest included an oral presentation in front of judges and a Poster session, as well as workshops at the Hynes center in Boston, USA. For its first participation in the iGEM competition the team of students (Bachelors, and Master level from University of Paris Pierre and Marie Curie (UPMC), Paris Orsay), coached by Institut Pasteur faculty and graduate students, and external coaches from Paris -Sud Orsay, obtained the Bronze level medal. This well earned reward will help to participate in future challenges of iGEM, and generate enthusiasm on campus for iGEM.
Students:Mathilde Ananos1, Alma Chapet–Batlle1, Lucas Krauss1, Sertac Tas1, Thomas Neff1, Maxime Entremont1, Kévin Plouchart1, Pierre Vilela1, Javier Ivan Castillo3.
Coaches:Floriane Cherrier2, Caroline Lambert2, Claudia Demarta-Gatsi2, Muriel Gugger2, Alexander Arkhipenko2, Eric Legrand2, Jérémy Brunet2, Mélanie Criqui3, Johann Beghain2, Laure Coutos-Thevenot3, and Deshmukh Gopaul2.
1: Université Pierre et Marie Curie, 2: Institut Pasteur, 3: Université Paris Sud-Orsay
Support from the Teaching center includes help from Hervé Waxin, Isabelle Lequetre, Murielle Almoussa, Corinne Fayolle and Mariannick Govindin, as well as, Isabelle Di Martino, Sylvie Malot and Françoise Ducoté.