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2024Rocuronium-specific antibodies drive perioperative anaphylaxis but can also function as reversal agents in preclinical models., Sci Transl Med 2024 Sep; 16(764): eado4463.
2024Standardized high-dimensional spectral cytometry protocol and panels for whole blood immune phenotyping in clinical and translational studies., Cytometry A 2024 Feb; 105(2): 124-138.
2022Changes in Systemic Regulatory T Cells, Effector T Cells, and Monocyte Populations Associated With Early-Life Stunting, Frontiers in Immunology, 2022, 13, pp.864084. ⟨10.3389/fimmu.2022.864084⟩.
2021Dual vaccination against IL-4 and IL-13 protects against chronic allergic asthma in mice., Nat Commun 2021 May; 12(1): 2574.
2018Natural variation in the parameters of innate immune cells is preferentially driven by genetic factors., Nat Immunol 2018 Mar; 19(3): 302-314.
2012B cell depletion in immune thrombocytopenia reveals splenic long-lived plasma cells, J. Clin. Invest. 2013 Jan;123(1):432-42.
2003IkappaBalpha/IkappaBepsilon deficiency reveals that a critical NF-kappaB dosage is required for lymphocyte survival, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2003 Dec;100(26):15800-5.
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