My work at Institut Pasteur is shared between the Tech Transfer Office and the Center for Bioinformatics, Biostatistics and Integrative Biology (C3BI).
As part of the Tech Transfer Office:
I will be leading the coordination, support and development in tech transfer and entrepreneurship for the Institut Pasteur International Network
- Identification of new technologies susceptible of being transferred to industry from the rich pool of research done in our community, mostly concentrated in e-Health and Software
- Mature technologies
- Search for suitable industrial partners for our technologies
- Support the entrepreneurship in the network
- Training in tech transfer for the network
As part of the C3BI:
I will be coordinating the actions around education and mobility of researchers working in Bioinformatics and Biostatistics.
- Organization of International courses in Bioinformatics and Biostatistics
- Organize mobility exchanges of researchers between the Instituts Pasteur to facility research projects around Bioinformatics and Biostatistics
- Animate and organize the C3BI International Steering Committee to organize all the different initiatives in the International Network