Coronaviruses manipulate many cellular pathways to promote their replication. One of the most intriguing morphological changes in infected cells is the appearance of double-membrane vesicles (DMVs), which serve as factories to produce viral genomic RNA and viral mRNAs. Shortly after infection, hundreds of such vesicles are produced. They originate from the endoplasmic reticulum by yet unknow molecular mechanisms. The image shows SARS-CoV-2 virions in an infected Vero E6 cell.
We identified host factors that are used by the virus to promote the production of these replication compartments. We generated knock out cell lines of these factors and found that replication of SARS-CoV2 is entirely arrested. The image shows very few virions in infected Vero E6 KO cells, result of a strongly impaired capacity of the virus to replicate.
The goal of the project is to characterize the interaction of host and viral proteins, to identify binding sites and to develop peptide-based inhibitors of the interaction to inhibit viral replication.
The project is funded by the Institut Carnot Pasteur Microbes et Santé. The position is available from October 2022 and the initial appointment will end in Dec. 2023. We have already considerable preliminary data, which allow us to complete the molecular characterization of the interaction within this period. A follow up study focusing on translational aspects and drug development is envisioned.
The recruited postdoc will profit from a world-class research environment at the Institut Pasteur, the vibrate and stimulating Pasteur Campus, top class infrastructure including access to world class facilities (a collaboration with the EM facility and the cryo-electron tomography facility is part of the project). To learn more about our research, please visit our laboratory web page:
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SKILLS: We are seeking motivated researchers with skills in infection biology and/or cell biology, preferentially with experience to work in biological safety level 2 or 3 facilities.
Please send your CV with motivation letter and contact details of three referees to: