The Synthetic Biology group is looking for a data scientist to develop deep learning approaches applied to bacterial genomics data. In particular the candidate will work in close collaboration with biologists to analyse high-throughput data generated using CRISPR tools. Applicants should ideally be trained in statistics, machine learning or computer science. No previous knowledge in Biology is required, but you do need to be curious and motivated to learn. Masters, PhDs, Engineers and Postdocs are all welcome to apply. Funding is guaranteed through an ERC starting grant. Applications should be send to
Application Deadline
Feb 2018
2018-02-01 8:00:00
2018-02-01 18:00:00
Data scientist: deep learning approaches to microbial genomics
The Synthetic Biology group is looking for a data scientist to develop deep learning approaches applied to bacterial genomics data. In particular the candidate will work in close collaboration with biologists to analyse high-throughput […]
"25-28 rue du Dr. Roux, 75015, Paris"
David Bikard
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