Speakers: Cyrille Botté, Markus Engstler, Richard Grencis, Michael Grigg, Mohamed-Ali Hakimi, Cynthia He, Matthew Higgins, David Horn, Patricia Johnson, Shaden Kamhawi, Hugo Lujan, Julius Lukes, Geoff McFadden, Annette MacLeod, Bill Petri, Frédéric Simard, Isabelle Tardieux, Till Voss, Charles Wondji
Registration (for the seminars & the lunches) is free but mandatory. Send an email to parasitology@pasteur.fr
Programme: DPTPIVSympo2015_ProgrammeFinal
Abstract book: Abstractbook_Symposium2015_DPTPIV
Information: Philippe BASTIN (philippe.bastin@pasteur.fr)