GPF Vaccinology day
We are happy to announce the 2017 GPF Vaccinology day that will take place on June 30th. The aim of the event is to allow a more direct interaction between the program and the […]
We are happy to announce the 2017 GPF Vaccinology day that will take place on June 30th. The aim of the event is to allow a more direct interaction between the program and the […]
Genetics and Physiology of Hearing/Neuroscience Lab Seminar Dr. Graham THOMAS (Center for Cellular Dynamics, PennState University, USA) “A Spectrin-bound phosphatase bridges Crumbs-mediated polarity and Hippo-mediated growth” invited by Aziz El-Amraoui – Contact : aziz.el-amraoui@pasteur.fr […]
Adrian V. S. Hill – Director, The Jenner Institute, University of Oxford, UK Preventing Malaria Mortality : a vaccine solution Malaria vaccine development has reached a remarkable turning point. One candidate vaccine has completed […]
Milagros COLLADOS RODRÍGUEZ Unité hépacivirus et immunité innée « Reinforcement of the host defense against EBOV by disrupting the association of VP35 with PACT and PKR » Souheyla BENFRID Unité de virologie structurale « Insights on […]
Prof. Gergely LUKACS Department of Physiology – McGill University (Montreal, Canada) Molecular players and mechanisms of plasma membrane proteostasis in health and diseases ; cystic fibrosis and beyond. abstract Preserving the function of the […]
Hugues Aschard P.I. G5 Génétique Statistique « InBio » (C3BI) Institut Pasteur Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have proven successful in identifying thousands of significant genetic associations for multiple traits and diseases. This success is largely thanks […]
Neuroscience Seminar Series Dr. DENIZ DALKARA “Team leader: Gene therapies and animal models for neurodegenerative diseases”, Institut de la Vision UPMC INSERM, Paris
Neuroscience Seminar Series Dr Georg Keller Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel, Switzerland ” Active sensory processing in mouse visual cortex “ Invité par les étudiants du Département – Contact : anne.grelat@pasteur.fr Abstract: […]
A CONFERENCE ORGANIZED BY THE SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL Commitment of multipotent hematopoietic cells in the different lymphocyte lineages is poorly documented. We identified the identity of the thymic settling progenitors during embryonic development. We found […]
Soutenance de Thèse Doctorat de l’Université Sorbonne Paris Cité Ecole doctorale Bio Sorbonne Paris Cité (ED157) sous la direction de Laurent Debarbieux Biologie Moléculaire du Gène chez les Extrêmophiles Contact : Anne Chevallereau (anne.chevallereau@pasteur.fr)
Pr Frederick P. ROTH Donnelly Centre, Molecular Genetics & Computer Science, University of Toronto Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute, Mt. Sinai Hospital, Toronto Title of the seminar : “Expeditions in Genotype-phenotype mapping” “We can routinely sequence […]
Vincent DION Abstract: The normal DNA repair machinery is essential for maintaining genome stability, yet it has a dark side: it makes mistakes at repetitive sequences. The resulting rearrangements can be evolutionary beneficial or […]
Nancy Moran University of Texas 2506 Speedway NMS 4.216, Stop A5000 Austin, TX 78712 Abstract: Animals are associated with communities of microorganisms that can have a major influence on the evolution and phenotypes of […]
Andrew M. Edwards PhD Lecturer in Molecular Bacteriology MRC Centre for Molecular Bacteriology and Infection Flowers Building Imperial College London Abstract : Daptomycin is a bactericidal antibiotic of last resort for serious drug-resistant staphylococcal […]
Speakers : Romulus BREBAN, Jade GHOSN , Nathalie DEJUCQ —————- Romulus BREBAN Unité d’Epidémiologie des Maladies Emergentes, Institut Pasteur, Paris Meta-analysis of the residual risk of sexual HIV transmission from efficiently treated persons […]
Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to announce the next Microbes, Immunity and Metabolism international conference, to be held in Paris at the Institut Pasteur on November 15th-17th, 2017. Recent studies highlight the extensive metabolic […]