“Membrane traffic, lipid synthesis and fungal pathogenesis” Marcio Lourenço Rodrigues
Marcio Lourenço Rodrigues – Fundação Oswaldo Cruz – Institut Carlos Chagas- Curitiba- Brazil Contact : Guilhem Janbon (guilhem.janbon @pasteur.fr)
Marcio Lourenço Rodrigues – Fundação Oswaldo Cruz – Institut Carlos Chagas- Curitiba- Brazil Contact : Guilhem Janbon (guilhem.janbon @pasteur.fr)
The ITMO BCDE and I3M are pleased to invite you to register to the “Mechanotransduction of Host-Pathogen Interactions” meeting to be held at the Biopark Auditorium, in Paris 75013, on December 17th, 2018 This […]
Friday, February 15th 11:00 am – Jules Bordet meeting room, Metchnikoff building “Deciphering gene expression programs at single-cell resolution” SUMMARY: Single-cell technologies are revolutionising biology and provide new opportunities to trace genomic regulatory programs […]
Friday, February 8th 11:00 am – Jules Bordet meeting room, Metchnikoff building “Feeling the heat at chromatin: transcriptional response to stress” Invited Speaker: Ritwick Sawarkar Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics Freiburg, Germany […]
Friday, February 22nd 11:00 am – Jules Bordet meeting room, Metchnikoff building “Emergent properties in morphogenesis” Invited Speaker: Edouard Hannezo Institute of Science and Technology, Wien, Austria Physical Principles in Biological Systems Edouard Hannezo […]
Christiane BRENNER Unité Biologie et Génétique de la Paroi Bactérienne, Institut Pasteur Paris Dissecting Peptidoglycan Trafficking and Transport(ers) in Human Cells Vendredi 23 Novembre 2018 à 14h00 Amphithéâtre Duclaux Directeur de Thèse : Ivo GOMPERTS […]
Joe Bondy Denomy The University of California, San Fransisco «How bacteriophages protect themselves from CRISPR» Monday November 26th 2018 at 11:00 Auditorium Jacques Monod Bacterial CRISPR-Cas systems utilize sequence-specific RNA-guided nucleases to defend against […]
Image analysis is about making sense of images thanks to computers and is both an area of Research and a paramount tool in Science. As imaging technologies and devices bloomed, extracting scientific information from […]
Pr. Oliver Fackler, from the Universtity Hospital of Heidelberg, will discuss the mode of HIV dissemination within tissues. The seminar is organized by Nicoletta Casartelli, from the Virus and Immunity Unit.
PhD Thesis Defense Université Pierre et Marie Curie – Sorbonne Université Doctoral School: Ecole Doctorale Pierre Louis de Santé Publique: Epidémiologie et Sciences de l’Information Biomédicale (ED393) Anna FUNK Emerging Disease Epidemiology Unit […]
La plateforme Biomics organise une après-midi portes ouvertes le jeudi 22 novembre, de 14h à 18h, au 1er étage du bâtiment Simone Veil. Vous pourrez découvrir l’espace dédié au matériel de pointe mis à […]
Conference organized by the Académie des Sciences Paris, March, 12-14, 2019 Posters and short talks will be selected from abstracts (200 words) to be sent to: colloques@academie-science.fr Application deadline: January, 20, 2019 free entrance […]
“Why some worms regenerate while others cannot – molecular and evolutionary mechanisms in planarian regeneration” Abstract: Some animals have the ability to regenerate body parts lost to injury, while already closely related species are […]
SOUTENANCE DE THESE DE DOCTORAT Sorbonne Université – Ecole Doctorale Complexité du Vivant Alexandra TACHTSIDI G5 Epigénétique des Cellules Souches “Nuclear organization and regulation of gene expression in mouse embryonic stem cells by long […]
[gview file=”https://research.pasteur.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/research_pasteur-25th-meeting-rt25-of-the-french-society-of-toxinology-sfet-toxins-and-health-from-molecules-to-organisms-rt25-programme-181108eb-1.pdf”] Site web SFET: http://sfet.asso.fr/ Comité Scientifique et d’organisation : M. Popoff, D. ladant, G. Faure – Institut Pasteur, Paris (France) P. Marchot – Université de Marseille (France) C. Legros – Université d’Angers […]
Soutenance de thèse de doctorat Université Paris Diderot Ecole Doctorale BIOSPC María Lucía Carrau Eguía Unité Populations Virales et Pathogénèse “Modulation of the mutational robustness of RNA viruses” Vendredi 30 novembre 2018 […]