For this new edition, the Global Health Departmental Days were organised at Institut Pasteur in Paris on 20 and 21 September 2023.
This was the place for the department’s scientists, especially young researchers, to present their research work in the field of infectious diseases. In particular, research on emerging and re-emerging diseases caused by viruses or bacteria was presented through oral and poster presentations. The biological, transmission and prevention mechanisms leading to different infectious diseases around the world (North and South) are studied using interdisciplinary and cross-cutting methods. For example, questions on cholera, diphtheria, monkeypox epidemics, COVID-19, whooping cough, meningitis, listeriosis, HPV-related diseases etc were addressed by teams, with a wide range of expertise. Molecular biology, genomics, data science, modelling, epidemiology, social sciences and anthropology are used to better understand infection and resistance mechanisms, from the individual to the population level, in a global health and one health perspective.
This year, a special tribute was given to the Institut Pasteur of Algeria.
The program of these two-day retreat was designed to meet the expectations of the youngest members of the department, who largely contribute to its organization.
Thank you to all the participants who made this event a success!