The gentleMACS™ Dissociator is a benchtop instrument for the semi-automated dissociation of tissues into single-cell suspensions or thorough homogenates. A single sample or two samples in parallel can be processed. Two types of unique gentleMACS Tubes used with the instrument enable the time-saving and easy dissociation or homogenization of tissues in a closed system. The instrument offers optimized gentleMACS Programs for a variety of specific applications. Special protocols have been developed for various tissues.
Location : Fernbach – 4 – 68-E4-23
Personnes à contacter : Natacha Sertour ( or tel: 8619) Unité Biologie et Pathogénicité Fongiques
Unités autorisées à utiliser ce matériel : Department of Mycology; units of other Departments upon request