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© Therese Couderc, Marc Lecuit
Publication : Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy

Antimicrobial resistance of Listeria monocytogenes strains isolated from humans in France.

Scientific Fields

Published in Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy - 01 Jun 2010

Morvan A, Moubareck C, Leclercq A, Hervé-Bazin M, Bremont S, Lecuit M, Courvalin P, Le Monnier A,

Link to Pubmed [PMID] – 20385859

Link to DOI – 10.1128/AAC.01557-09

Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2010 Jun; 54(6): 2728-31

Susceptibility to antibiotics of 4,816 clinical L. monocytogenes strains isolated since 1926 was studied, and the temporal evolution of susceptibility to antibiotics was analyzed through several decades. The mechanisms of resistance in each resistant strain were studied. The prevalence of resistant strains was estimated at 1.27% among isolates from humans. Resistance to tetracyclines+ and fluoroquinolones was more common and has recently emerged. Although acquired resistance in clinical L. monocytogenes did not implicate clinically relevant antibiotics, the possibility of resistance gene transfers, the description of the first clinical isolate with high-level resistance to trimethoprim, and the recent increase in penicillin MICs up to 2 microg/ml reinforce the need for microbiological surveillance.