Link to HAL – sorbonne-universite-01263697
Link to DOI – 10.3201/eid2106.141799
Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2015, 21 (6), pp.1081-1082. ⟨10.3201/eid2106.141799⟩
To the Editor: Carnobacterium spp. are ubiquitous lactic acid bacteria isolated from cold and temperate environments (1). They are present in food including fish, meat, and dairy products. Only C. divergens and C. maltaromaticum (formerly C. piscicola) are found in dairy products (2). Carnobacteria are well known for their ability to produce bacteriocins that inhibit Listeria monocytogenes (1). Because Carnobacterium and Listeria bacteria are psychrotrophic and share the same ecologic niche, many studies have highlighted the potential use of carnobacteria as a biopreservative (1). These bacteria were previously believed to be nonpathogenic for humans. We report a case of C. divergens bacteremia in a woman. […]