Genetic engineering [36]

Brice Rotureau

Cecilia Capela
InBio: Experimental and Computational Methods for Modeling Cellular Processes
PhD candidate in the Inbio Lab headed by Gregory Batt. Working on cybergenetic solutions to enforce genetic stability in synthetic biology applications.

Aude Bernheim
Molecular diversity of microbes
Aude Bernheim is a microbiologist interested in how bacteria fight off their viruses. She did her PhD in the Pasteur Institute in Paris studying the evolution of CRISPR-Cas systems and her post-doc in the […]

Henri Galez
InBio: Experimental and Computational Methods for Modeling Cellular Processes
PhD candidate in the Inbio Lab headed by Gregory Batt. I am working with the model yeast Sacharomyces cerevisiae to improve the production of heterologous protein by chassis engineering.

Sara Napolitano
InBio: Experimental and Computational Methods for Modeling Cellular Processes
I am a Biomedical Engineer by training and I’ve always been interested in understanding the mechanisms that control biological complex processes. Recently, I became convinced that steering those mechanisms will allow us to understand […]

Human Disease Models core facility
Mathilde Dusseaux

Mathilde Dusseaux
Human Disease Models core facility

Bioorganic chemistry of nucleic acids
Lise Musset
Lise Musset is the head of the parasitology laboratory. As a pharmaceutical doctor (Université de Reims 2002), Medical Biologist and Doctor of Sciences (Université Paris-Descartes 2006), she is he head of the NRC for […]

Leonardo Betancurt
DNA replication group
I currently work at the “Architecture and dynamics of biological macromolecules” lab at Pasteur Institute. We use molecular biology and biochemical tools to study the shape and function of polymerases.

Adam Taheraly

Design for Biology
Deshmukh Gopaul

Anna Beth Crist
Insect-Virus Interactions
EDUCATION University of Oregon Bachelor of Science, Biology (3.98 GPA) – 2013 EXPERIENCE Research Technician May 2017 – Present Institut Pasteur, Department of Genomes and Genetics, Louis Lambrechts Lab – Precise genome editing of Aedes […]

Sebastián Sosa Carrillo
I am a PhD candidate at the InBio research group. In 2015 I obtained a bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology at the University of València (Spain), and in 2018 a master (M1 and M2) degree […]