We received a grant by Campus France (PHC Carlos J Finlay, 2019-20210) to collaborate with the team of Dr Vivian Kourí Cardellá from Instituto de Medicina Tropical Pedro Kourí (Habana) on the dynamics of HIV-1 epidemics in Cuba. Together, we studied the evolutionary and geographical origins of CRF19, an HIV-1 recombinant, which was found almost exclusively in Cuba [Zhukova et al. PLoS Pathog 2021]. Furthermore, we studied its resistance to drugs and its spread within Cuba. This study benefited from the unique richness and completeness of Cuban HIV databases, notably in terms of metadata and contact tracing. As part of this collaboration, we gave theoretical and practical courses for one week in Phylogenetics and Molecular Epidemiology to 55 Cuban students and researchers in October 2019.