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Tarek Msadek
Chef(fe) de Groupe
05 mai 2022

Natural transformation allows transfer of SCCmec-mediated methicillin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus biofilms.

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18 déc. 2018

CtsR, the Master Regulator of Stress-Response in , Is a Heat Sensor Interacting With ClpL1

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18 sept. 2018

Inhibition of Rho Activity Increases Expression of SaeRS-Dependent Virulence Factor Genes in Staphylococcus aureus, Showing a Link between Transcription Termination, Antibiotic Action, and Virulence

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15 mars 2018

SpdC, a novel virulence factor, controls histidine kinase activity in Staphylococcus aureus

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10 mars 2017

Methodology for the Study of Horizontal Gene Transfer in Staphylococcus aureus

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02 avr. 2016

Staphylococcus aureus transcriptome architecture: from laboratory to infection-mimicking conditions

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01 mars 2016

Transcriptional Analysis and Subcellular Protein Localization Reveal Specific Features of the Essential WalKR System in Staphylococcus aureus

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09 oct. 2015

The Antisense RNA Approach: a New Application for In Vivo Investigation of the Stress Response of Oenococcus oeni, a Wine-Associated Lactic Acid Bacterium

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08 nov. 2012

Expression of a cryptic secondary sigma factor gene unveils natural competence for DNA transformation in Staphylococcus aureus

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23 juil. 2012

The WalKR system controls major staphylococcal virulence genes and is involved in triggering the host inflammatory response

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28 nov. 2011

GraXSR proteins interact with the VraFG ABC transporter to form a five-component system required for cationic antimicrobial peptide sensing and resistance in Staphylococcus aureus

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04 juil. 2011

Bacitracin and nisin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus: a novel pathway involving the BraS/BraR two-component system (SA2417/SA2418) and both the BraD/BraE and VraD/VraE ABC transporters

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01 juil. 2011

Investigation of the Staphylococcus aureus GraSR regulon reveals novel links to virulence, stress response and cell wall signal transduction pathways

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28 févr. 2011

Peptidoglycan crosslinking relaxation plays an important role in Staphylococcus aureus WalKR-dependent cell viability

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13 mai 2010

The pleiotropic CymR regulator of Staphylococcus aureus plays an important role in virulence and stress response

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01 juil. 2009

Characterization of a serine/threonine kinase involved in virulence of Staphylococcus aureus.

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22 mai 2009

Grasping at shadows: revealing the elusive nature of essential genes

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23 oct. 2008

A matter of life and death: cell wall homeostasis and the WalKR (YycGF) essential signal transduction pathway

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01 janv. 2008

Tearing down the wall: peptidoglycan metabolism and the WalK/WalR (YycG/YycF) essential two-component system

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07 sept. 2007

New insights into the WalK/WalR (YycG/YycF) essential signal transduction pathway reveal a major role in controlling cell wall metabolism and biofilm formation in Staphylococcus aureus

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01 janv. 2005

Raymond Dedonder 1920-2004

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01 févr. 2004

Identification of genes controlled by the essential YycG/YycF two-component system of Staphylococcus aureus

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01 févr. 2004

clpB, a novel member of the Listeria monocytogenes CtsR regulon, is involved in virulence but not in general stress tolerance

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01 nov. 2003

A six amino acid deletion, partially overlapping the VanSB G2 ATP-binding motif, leads to constitutive glycopeptide resistance in VanB-type Enterococcus faecium

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01 mars 2003

Specificity of the interaction of RocR with the rocG-rocA intergenic region in Bacillus subtilis

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01 févr. 2003

Comparative genomics reveal novel heat shock regulatory mechanisms in Staphylococcus aureus and other Gram-positive bacteria

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01 janv. 2003

ClpP of Streptococcus salivarius is a novel member of the dually regulated class of stress response genes in gram-positive bacteria

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