Ligne de temps
Francis Delpeyroux
Responsable de Structure
26 nov. 2024
01 janv. 2024
01 nov. 2023
Neutralization of African enterovirus A71 genogroups by antibodies to canonical genogroups.
Lire plus08 nov. 2022
Enterovirus detection in different regions of Madagascar reveals a higher abundance of enteroviruses of species C in areas where several outbreaks of vaccine-derived polioviruses occurred.
Lire plus17 août 2022
Strengthened surveillance revealed a rapid disappearance of the poliovirus serotype 2 vaccine strain in Madagascar after its removal from the oral polio vaccine.
Lire plus01 août 2021
14 août 2020
Development of a New Internally Controlled One-Step Real-Time RT-PCR for the Molecular Detection of Enterovirus A71 in Africa and Madagascar.
Lire plus09 août 2020
16 juin 2020
Genome analysis of coxsackievirus B1 isolates during the consecutive alternating administration course of triple antiviral combination in newborn mice.
Lire plus20 déc. 2019
17 oct. 2019
Genetic and phenotypic characterization of recently discovered enterovirus D type 111
Lire plus14 sept. 2019
19 avr. 2019
Genetic landscape and macro-evolution of co-circulating Coxsackieviruses A and Vaccine-derived Polioviruses in the Democratic Republic of Congo, 2008-2013
Lire plus10 janv. 2019
Metagenomic analysis identifies human adenovirus 31 in children with acute flaccid paralysis in Tunisia
Lire plus02 janv. 2019
High permissiveness for genetic exchanges between enteroviruses of species A, including enterovirus 71, favours evolution through intertypic recombination in Madagascar
Lire plus22 déc. 2018
20 sept. 2018
Whole Genome Sequencing of Enteroviruses Species A to D by High-Throughput Sequencing: Application for Viral Mixtures
Lire plus13 juin 2018
Coxsackievirus A24 Variant Associated with Acute Haemorrhagic Conjunctivitis Cases, French Guiana, 2017
Lire plus01 avr. 2018
13 janv. 2017
13 déc. 2016
Exchanges of genomic domains between poliovirus and other cocirculating species C enteroviruses reveal a high degree of plasticity
Lire plus05 août 2016
Whole Genome Sequencing of Enterovirus species C Isolates by High-throughput Sequencing: Development of Generic Primers
Lire plus12 juil. 2016
The CREB3-Herp signaling module limits the cytosolic calcium concentration increase and apoptosis induced by poliovirus
Lire plus11 sept. 2015
27 juil. 2015
Recherche sur l’épidémiologie et la macro-évolution des poliovirus et des entérovirus non-polio
Lire plus03 juil. 2015
30 déc. 2014
Editorial commentary: emerging problems impeding the elimination of the last polioviruses: silent circulation of wild strains in a well-immunized population
Lire plus05 août 2014
Nonhomologous recombination between defective poliovirus and coxsackievirus genomes suggests a new model of genetic plasticity for picornaviruses
Lire plus31 juil. 2014
Characterization of Enteroviruses from non-human primates in cameroon revealed virus types widespread in humans along with candidate new types and species
Lire plus19 juin 2014
First full genome sequence of a human enterovirus a120, isolated in madagascar
Lire plus05 mars 2014
Molecular comparison and evolutionary analyses of VP1 nucleotide sequences of new African human enterovirus 71 isolates reveal a wide genetic diversity
Lire plus20 nov. 2013
[Eradication of poliomyelitis and emergence of pathogenic vaccine-derived polioviruses: from Madagascar to Cameroon]
Lire plus07 août 2013
The Golgi protein ACBD3, an interactor for poliovirus protein 3A, modulates poliovirus replication
Lire plus01 juin 2013
Reemergence of recombinant vaccine-derived polioviruses in healthy children, Madagascar
Lire plus19 déc. 2012
High frequency and diversity of species C enteroviruses in Cameroon and neighboring countries
Lire plus22 août 2012
Development of a simple and rapid protocol for the production of customized intertypic recombinant polioviruses
Lire plus29 mars 2012
Common and diverse features of cocirculating type 2 and 3 recombinant vaccine-derived polioviruses isolated from patients with poliomyelitis and healthy children
Lire plus15 févr. 2012
Molecular characterization of human enteroviruses in the Central African Republic: uncovering wide diversity and identification of a new human enterovirus A71 genogroup
Lire plus12 sept. 2011
11 sept. 2011
17 août 2011
Recombination between poliovirus and coxsackie A viruses of species C: a model of viral genetic plasticity and emergence
Lire plus27 juil. 2009
Evidence of recombination and genetic diversity in human rhinoviruses in children with acute respiratory infection
Lire plus01 mai 2009
Recombination between polioviruses and co-circulating Coxsackie A viruses: role in the emergence of pathogenic vaccine-derived polioviruses
Lire plus05 janv. 2009
Environmental poliovirus surveillance during oral poliovirus vaccine and inactivated poliovirus vaccine use in Córdoba Province, Argentina
Lire plus27 sept. 2008
Role of class I human leukocyte antigen molecules in early steps of echovirus infection of rhabdomyosarcoma cells
Lire plus29 août 2008
Development of a Taqman RT-PCR assay for the detection and quantification of negatively stranded RNA of human enteroviruses: evidence for false-priming and improvement by tagged RT-PCR
Lire plus25 juin 2008
Impact of exogenous sequences on the characteristics of an epidemic type 2 recombinant vaccine-derived poliovirus
Lire plus15 mai 2008
01 mai 2008
[Polioviruses and species C enteroviruses, viruses of the same species and “tribe”]
Lire plus10 mars 2008
Characterization of the genome of human enteroviruses: design of generic primers for amplification and sequencing of different regions of the viral genome
Lire plus04 déc. 2007
Molecular epidemiology of wild poliovirus type 1 circulation in West and Central Africa, from 1997 to 1999, using genotyping with a restriction fragment length polymorphism assay
Lire plus01 déc. 2007
Co-circulation and evolution of polioviruses and species C enteroviruses in a district of Madagascar
Lire plus01 janv. 2005
01 juil. 2003
01 sept. 2002
Natural genetic recombination between co-circulating heterotypic enteroviruses
Lire plus01 juil. 2001
Genomic features of intertypic recombinant sabin poliovirus strains excreted by primary vaccinees
Lire plus01 sept. 2000
Natural genetic exchanges between vaccine and wild poliovirus strains in humans
Lire plus01 mars 1995
Structure of the complex between the Fab fragment of a neutralizing antibody for type 1 poliovirus and its viral epitope
Lire plus25 juil. 1986
A poliovirus neutralization epitope expressed on hybrid hepatitis B surface antigen particles
Lire plus26 août 1983