Ligne de temps

Pierre Bost
Etudiant(e) en thèse
20 juin 2022

Variability of Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome Is Driven by Interferon-α and Interferon-α Blood Levels Are Associated With the Class II HLA-DQ Locus.

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01 janv. 2022

Tuberculosis alters immune-metabolic pathways resulting in perturbed IL-1 responses.

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01 déc. 2021

Our PhD student Pierre Bost receives the “Prix Bettencourt pour les jeunes chercheurs”

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09 mars 2020

Bystander IFN-γ activity promotes widespread and sustained cytokine signaling altering the tumor microenvironment

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01 mars 2020

Bystander IFN-γ activity promotes widespread and sustained cytokine signaling altering the tumor microenvironment.

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