Ligne de temps

Emmanuelle Bouveret
Chercheur(euse) Permanent(e)
13 août 2023
07 juin 2023
Role of the Escherichia coli ubiquinone-synthesizing UbiUVT pathway in adaptation to changing respiratory conditions.
Lire plus01 oct. 2022
An early origin of iron-sulfur cluster biosynthesis machineries before Earth oxygenation.
Lire plus04 mars 2022
Cellular assays identify barriers impeding iron-sulfur enzyme activity in a non-native prokaryotic host.
Lire plus01 nov. 2020
Oxidative stress antagonizes fluoroquinolone drug sensitivity via the SoxR-SUF Fe-S cluster homeostatic axis.
Lire plus01 nov. 2020
Quantification of guanosine triphosphate and tetraphosphate in plants and algae using stable isotope-labelled internal standards.
Lire plus03 juil. 2020
The O2-independent pathway of ubiquinone biosynthesis is essential for denitrification in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Lire plus01 janv. 2020
01 janv. 2020
Deciphering the specific interaction between the acyl carrier protein IacP and the T3SS-major hydrophobic translocator SipB from Salmonella.
Lire plus27 nov. 2019
RSH enzyme diversity for (p)ppGpp metabolism in Phaeodactylum tricornutum and other diatoms.
Lire plus13 févr. 2018