Projet A personal database system for large scale quantitative results exploration (Cassandre, PTR 463) Christophe Malabat
Ingénieur(e) de Recherche Mariano Martinez Mécanismes du Cycle Cellulaire Bactérien Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en EN.
Projet ANRS 12332 HepNile: Evaluation of “Real Life” Efficacy and Safety of antiviral treatments including new Direct Antiviral Agents among patients treated for Chronic Hepatitis C at Egyptian National Treatment Centres Arnaud Fontanet
Projet Silence to cure: stabilize chromatin for the management of diseases with inflammatory components
Logiciel GRAAL: genome assembly from chromosome contact frequencies Christophe Zimmer • Romain Koszul
Logiciel QuickPALM: Reconstruction of PALM/STORM super-resolution microscopy images Christophe Zimmer