Projet Mobile nucleic acid testing of asymptomatic Plasmodium infections for malaria elimination Makhtar Niang
Chargé(e) de Recherche Expert Liliana Mancio Silva Biologie de l’Infection et de la Transmission de Plasmodium Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en anglais américain.
Projet MICROTONE – Microbial and viral circulations among people and wild and domesticated animals in an ecotone, Democratic Republic of Congo Tamara Giles-Vernick
Projet International Mixed Unit ‘Inflammation and Leishmania infection’ (IMU-InflaLeish): Exploiting host-pathogen interaction for the discovery of novel anti-microbial drug targets and drug candidates. Gérald Spaeth
Projet Protein synthesis machinery of Trypanosomatid as a therapeutic target Nadia Izadi-Pruneyre • Sylvie Pochet