
FLT3L governs the development of partially overlapping hematopoietic lineages in humans and mice.

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Dynamic microfluidic single-cell screening identifies pheno-tuning compounds to potentiate tuberculosis therapy

Nature Communications
Maxime Mistretta, Mena Cimino, Pascal Campagne, Stevenn Volant, Etienne Kornobis, Olivier Hebert, Christophe Rochais, Patrick Dallemagne, Cédric Lecoutey, Camille Tisnerat, Alban Lepailleur, Yann Ayotte, Steven Laplante, Nicolas Gangneux, Monika Záhorszká, Jana Korduláková, Sophie Vichier-Guerre, Frédéric Bonhomme, Laura Pokorny, Marvin Albert, Jean-Yves Tinevez, Giulia Manina

The potential importance of the built-environment microbiome and its impact on human health

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
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