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© Recherche
Publication : The Journal of general virology

Assessment of twelve echovirus virus-neutralisation assays in Europe: recommendations for harmonisation of non-polio enterovirus sero-surveillance studies.

Domaines Scientifiques

Publié sur The Journal of general virology - 01 sept. 2024

Couderé K, Benschop KSM, Koen G, van Eijk H, Harvala H, Bailly JL, Bessaud M, Kamau E, Simon I, Joffret ML, Nikolaeva-Glomb L, Georgieva I, Stoyanova A, Diedrich S, Böttcher S, Cabrerizo M, Tabain I, Hruškar Ž, Stevanović V, Susi P, Hietanen E, Palminha P, Rainetová P, Baicus A, Kristensen M, Pajkrt D, Murk JL, Wolthers KC, European Non-Polio Enterovirus Network

Lien vers Pubmed [PMID] – 39311842

Lien DOI – 10.1099/jgv.0.001986

J Gen Virol 2024 Sep; 105(9):

Non-polio enteroviruses (NPEV) cause significant disease worldwide. Population-based sero-surveillance, by measuring antibodies against specific NPEV types, provides additional information on past circulation and the prediction for future upsurges. Virus neutralisation assays (VNA), the current method of choice for measuring NPEV type specific antibodies, are not entirely standardised. Via the European Non-Polio Enterovirus Network, we organised a VNA quality assessment in which twelve laboratories participated. We provided five echovirus (E) types (E1, E18, E30 G2, E30 G6 and E6) and intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIG) as a sample for the NPEV VNA quality assessment. Differences in VNA protocols and neutralising Ab (nAb) titres were found between the participating laboratories with geometric coefficients of variation ranging from 10.3-62.9 %. Mixed-effects regression analysis indicated a small but significant effect of type of cell line used. Harmonisation of cell line passage number, however, did not improve variation between laboratories. Calibration by making use of a reference sample, reduced variation between laboratories but differences in nAb titres remained higher than two log2 dilution steps. In conclusion, sero-surveillance data from different laboratories should be compared with caution and standardised protocols are needed.