2024Estimation of Stiffness Maps in Deforming Cells Through Optical Flow with Bounded Curvature, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.
2024Fibronectin induces a transition from amoeboid to a fan morphology and modifies migration in Entamoeba histolytica., PLoS Pathog 2024 Jul; 20(7): e1012392.
2024Three-dimensional cell culture conditions promoted the Mesenchymal-Amoeboid Transition in the Triple-Negative Breast Cancer cell line MDA-MB-231., Front Cell Dev Biol 2024 ; 12(): 1435708.
2023Intermediate filaments promote glioblastoma cell invasion by controlling cell deformability and mechanosensitive gene expression, 2023.
20224D live imaging and computational modeling of a functional gut-on-a-chip evaluate how peristalsis facilitates enteric pathogen invasion., Science advances.
2022PDE-Constrained Optimization for Nuclear Mechanics, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP).
2022Reformulating Optical Flow to Solve Image-Based Inverse Problems and Quantify Uncertainty, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.
2021Bioimage Analysis and Cell Motility, Patterns, 2021.
2020E-cadherin focuses protrusion formation at the front of migrating cells by impeding actin flow, Nat Commun. 2020.
2020A Protocol to Quantify Cellular Morphodynamics: From Cell Labelling to Automatic Image Analysis, Eukaryome Impact on Human Intestine Homeostasis and Mucosal Immunology, 2020.
2019Tracking and line integration of diffuse cellular subdomains by mesh advection, IEEE EMBC 2019.
2019Fluid dynamics during bleb formation in migrating cells in vivo, PLoS One 2019.
2018Multiple variational image assimilation for accessible micro-elastography, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 2018.
2017BioFlow: a non-invasive, image-based method to measure speed, pressure and forces inside living cells., Sci Rep 2017 08; 7(1): 9178.