2024Tracing the Evolution of Human Immunity Through Ancient DNA., Annu Rev Immunol 2024 Dec; (): .
2024Differential stress responsiveness determines intraspecies virulence heterogeneity and host adaptation in Listeria monocytogenes., Nat Microbiol 2024 Dec; 9(12): 3345-3361.
2024Deep estimation of the intensity and timing of natural selection from ancient genomes., Mol Ecol Resour 2024 Aug; (): e14015.
2024MANOCCA: a robust and computationally efficient test of covariance in high-dimension multivariate omics data., Brief Bioinform 2024 May; 25(4): .
2024Smoking changes adaptive immunity with persistent effects., Nature 2024 Feb; 626(8000): 827-835.
2023Unveiling Candida albicans intestinal carriage in healthy volunteers: the role of micro- and mycobiota, diet, host genetics and immune response., Gut Microbes 2023 Dec; 15(2): 2287618.
2023Dissecting human population variation in single-cell responses to SARS-CoV-2, Nature, 2023, 53 (8), pp.e2250307. ⟨10.1038/s41586-023-06422-9⟩.
2023Unravelling the determinants of human health in French Polynesia: the MATAEA project., Front Epidemiol 2023 ; 3(): 1201038.
2022The immune factors driving DNA methylation variation in human blood., Nat Commun 2022 Oct; 13(1): 5895.
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2022Early IFNβ secretion determines variable downstream IL-12p70 responses upon TLR4 activation., Cell Rep 2022 Jun; 39(13): 110989.
2022Human evolution: The unsealed fates of foragers and farmers., Curr Biol 2022 04; 32(8): R362-R365.
2022Integrative genetic and immune cell analysis of plasma proteins in healthy donors identifies novel associations involving primary immune deficiency genes., Genome Med 2022 Mar; 14(1): 28.
2022The genomic signatures of natural selection in admixed human populations., Am J Hum Genet 2022 Mar; (): .
2021Genomic insights into population history and biological adaptation in Oceania., Nature 2021 Apr; 592(7855): 583-589.
2021Human ancient DNA analyses reveal the high burden of tuberculosis in Europeans over the last 2,000 years., Am J Hum Genet 2021 Mar; 108(3): 517-524.
2021Gut microbiome stability and dynamics in healthy donors and patients with non-gastrointestinal cancers., J Exp Med 2021 Jan; 218(1): .
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