On October 2, 2017, at the Francois Jacob amphitheatre of Institut Pasteur, Claire Pancrace defended her PhD on “New insights on natural products and their biosynthetic gene clusters from freshwater cyanobacteria, gained from the integration of high throughput data” in front a jury of peers: Pr P. Tamagnini from University of Porto, Pr CC Zhang from University Aix-Marseille, Dr D. Latour from University Blaise Pascal of Clermont-Ferrand, Dr S. Brisse from Institut Pasteur Paris, Pr A. Latifi from University Aix-Marseille, Pr G. Sezonov from UPMC, and her directors Dr JF Humbert from iESS, Paris and Dr M. Gugger from Institut Pasteur.
All the best successes to come to Dr Claire Pancrace! and BRAVO