I’m a Master 2 intern in Jérôme GROS lab, studying pattern formation in early-stage embryonic development. I have been trained in synthetic biology labs for the past 3 years; working on discovery of natural products and de novo antimicrobial peptides. Finally, I found my way and landed on developmental biology!
© Aline Bonnet, Institut Pasteur
Coupe transversale d’embryon de caille transgénique mbGFP à 18somites, au niveau du futur bourgeon de membre antérieur avec un marquage noyaux (bleu), GFP (vert) et actine (rouge) / Transversal section of a mbGFP transgenic quail embryo at 18-somite stage, at forelimb level, with nuclei (blue), GFP (green) and actin (red) labelling