I am a scientist focused on the study of viral interactions. My research aims to elucidate (i) the evolutionary dynamics of viruses, (ii) the interplay among the host, virus, and microbial communities, and (iii) the consequences of infections for the host.
I owe my interest in viruses to Professor Santiago F. Elena. I completed my PhD under his mentorship at I2SysBio (Valencia, Spain), where I studied factors influencing the evolution of viruses, using plant-pathogen systems as model organisms.
After my PhD, I obtained an EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowship and joined the Marie-Anne Félix Laboratory (IBENS, France). There I investigated host factors and bacterial environments that modulate the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans susceptibility to Orsay virus infection.
Currently, I am Pasteur-Roux-Cantarini Postdoctoral Fellow at Carla Saleh Laboratory (Institut Pasteur, France). In here I am a happy researcher studying viral infections in the fly Drosophila melanogaster. My research here focuses in the aging induced by viruses, the impact of the microbiome on infections, and the evolution of RNA viruses.