Current position
Staff scientist INSERM
2004 Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Biology, Institute of Molecular Genetics, University of Montpellier II, France.
2001 Certificate for performing animal experimentation.
2000 Master of Biology and Health Sciences (DEA), University of Montpellier II, France.
1999 Magistere of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lyon, France.
Past activity
2008-Present : Permanent Position “Chargé de Recherche 1” Inserm, G5 “Microorganismes et barrières de l’hôte”, Inserm Avenir U604 Institut Pasteur, Paris, France. “Listeria crossing of the host barriers.”
2005-2008: Postdoctoral Fellow, Unité des Interactions bactéries-cellules then G5 “Microorganismes et barrières de l’hôte”, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France. “Listeria crossing of the host barriers.”
2004-2005: Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Molecular Genetics, Montpellier, France. “Roles of Brahma and Brg1 during the cell cycle.”
2000-2004: Ph.D. Student, Institute of Molecular Genetics, Montpellier, France. “Modulation of apoptosis by the hepatitis C virus in a transgenic mouse model.”
2000: Second semester Master (DEA), Institute for Research and Development, Montpellier, France. “Immunomodulatory role of the Trypanosoma cruzi protein Tc52.”
1999-2000: First semester Master (DEA), Institute of Human Genetic, Montpellier, France. “Sequences implied in cellular localization of the I transposon in Drosophila melanogaster.”
Summer1998: Undergarduate research Student, Laboratory of altitude populations biology, Grenoble, France. “Non-invasive method for tracking Canis lupus in the Mercantour.”
Teaching activity
Practical courses of DEUG in Enzymology, Microbiology and Molecular Biology for the first and second year Students, University of Montpellier II, France
Selected publications
Gessain G, Tsai YH, Travier L, Bonazzi M, Grayo S, Cossart P, Charlier C, Disson O* and Lecuit M* PI3-kinase activation is critical for host barrier permissiveness to Listeria monocytogenes. J Exp Med. 2015 Feb 9;212(2):165-83.
Blériot C, Dupuis T, Jouvion G, Eberl G, Disson O, Lecuit M. Liver-Resident Macrophage Necroptosis Orchestrates Type 1 Microbicidal Inflammation and Type-2-Mediated Tissue Repair during Bacterial Infection. Immunity. 2015; 42(1):145-58.
Tsai Y.H, Disson O, Bierne H, and Lecuit M. Murinization of internalin extends its receptor repertoire, altering Listeria monocytogenes cell tropism and host responses. PLOS Pathogens 2013 9(5):e1003381.
Nikitas G, Deschamps C, Disson O, Niault T, Cossart P, Lecuit M. Transcytosis of Listeria monocytogenes across the intestinal barrier upon specific targeting of goblet cell accessible E-cadherin. J Exp Med. 2011 208: 2263-77.
Tazi A, Disson O, Bellais S, Bouaboud A, Dmytruk N, Dramsi S, Mistou MY, Khun H, Mechler C, Tardieux I, Trieu-Cuot P, Lecuit M, Poyart C. The surface protein HvgA mediates group B streptococcus hypervirulence and meningeal tropism in neonates. J Exp Med. 2010 Oct 25;207(11):2313-22.
Disson O, Grayo S, Huillet E, Nikitas G, Langa-Vives F, Dussurget O, Ragon M, Le Monnier A, Babinet C, Cossart P, Lecuit M. Conjugated action of two species- specific invasion proteins for fetoplacental listeriosis. Nature. 2008 Oct 23;455(7216):1114-8.
Disson O, Haouzi D, Desagher S, Loesch K, Hahne M, Kremer EJ, Jacquet C, Lemon SM, Hibner U, Lerat H.Impaired clearance of virus-infected hepatocytes in transgenic mice expressing the hepatitis C virus polyprotein. Gastroenterology. 2004 Mar;126(3):859-72.