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Nicolas was initially trained in oceanography and biochemistry. He received his PhD in 2008 from the University Paris Sud 11. During his thesis in Guillaume Balavoine and Michel Vervoort’s laboratory (CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette) he worked in the evo-devo field on a rather old question in biology: the evolution of the segmentation among Bilaterians.
For his postdoc he moved to Scott Holley’s laboratory at Yale University (USA) where he worked on the mechanisms driving trunk elongation during Zebrafish development. In particular, and in collaboration with physicists, he studied the role of cell-fibronectin interactions in tissue mechanics.
After a short second postdoc in Laure Bally-Cuif’s laboratory he was recruited in 2015 as a permanent CNRS researcher.
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2022Apical size and deltaA expression predict adult neural stem cell decisions along lineage progression, 2023.
2021Dynamic spatiotemporal coordination of neural stem cell fate decisions occurs through local feedback in the adult vertebrate brain., Cell Stem Cell 2021 Aug; 28(8): 1457-1472.e12.
2021LocalZProjector and DeProj: a toolbox for local 2D projection and accurate morphometrics of large 3D microscopy images., BMC Biol 2021 Jul; 19(1): 136.
2020Neural stem cell pools in the vertebrate adult brain: Homeostasis from cell-autonomous decisions or community rules?, Bioessays 2020 Dec; (): e2000228.
2020Lineage hierarchies and stochasticity ensure the long-term maintenance of adult neural stem cells., Sci Adv 2020 May; 6(18): eaaz5424.
2020Lensless microscopy platform for single cell and tissue visualization., Biomed Opt Express 2020 May; 11(5): 2806-2817.
2019Organization of Embryonic Morphogenesis via Mechanical Information., Dev Cell. 2019 Jun 17;49(6):829-839.
2018Dual-color deep-tissue three-photon microscopy with a multiband infrared laser., Light Sci Appl 2018 ; 7(): 12.
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