UMR3528 – Biologie Moléculaire Structurale et Processus InfectieuxMarc Delarue
Polarité cellulaire, Migration et CancerSandrine Etienne-Manneville
Intégrité du Génome, Immunité et CancerLudovic Deriano
Génétique Évolutive HumaineLluis Quintana-Murci
Paléogénomique microbienneNicolas Rascovan
Mécanismes du Cycle Cellulaire BactérienAnne Marie Wehenkel
ERC-2017-COG Synarchic – Investigating the functional architecture of microbial genomes with synthetic approachesRomain Koszul
LeiSHield – A new collaborative action to determine prevalence, anticipate emergence and assess urbanization of cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis in LeishRIIP partner countriesGérald Spaeth
Pro-actively addressing the challenges for an effective uptake of COVID-19 vaccination in Belgium: a transdisciplinary approach (Transvaxx project)Tamara Giles-Vernick
Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy NodeAnna Sartori-Rupp
Protein synthesis machinery of Trypanosomatid as a therapeutic targetNadia Izadi-Pruneyre
Host-vector-pathogen interaction in Zika infectionValérie Choumet