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Place and date of birth : Pamplona, Navarra, Spain 27.03.1990
Latest position
2016-2020 PhD thesis, team of PD Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Liebner (Goethe University Frankfurt). Thesis: The role of the blood-brain barrier in Alzheimer’s disease
Research skills
- Animal handling in vivo: behavioural testing for mice, IP&IV injections, full-body perfusions
- Animal handling post-mortem: mouse brain microvessel isolation, tissue clearing, dissections, slice preparations, RNA&DNA isolation
- Bioinformatics: analysis of 3’ RNA-Seq data, R & R Studio, Prism, NIS, Imaris, Affinity & Photo Designer, Nikon-specific software, excel
- Microscopy: confocal, live cell, fluorescence and light-sheet fluorescence
- In vitro cell lines: bEnd5, MBE, HEK293T; stable gene knock-down generation by lentiviral infection, assessment of migration and proliferation properties
- Biochemistry: qPCRs, WB, stainings, luciferase assays
Teaching experience
Supervision of master student’s work in the lab : 12 weeks
Supervision of bachelor student’s work in the lab :12 weeks
Educational background
2013-2015 Master in Neuroscience. Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain).
2014-2015 Thesis work at York University (Toronto, Canada). Title: Designing and Expression of Different Panx1 Mutants and Fusion Proteins, and an attempt of characterization
2008-2013 Double degree in Biology and Biochemistry. University of Navarre (Spain).
2012-2013 ERASMUS Exchange Study Program at the University of Tromsø (Norway). Bachelor’s thesis in biology: Purification and Characterization of Porcine Brain eNPP6
Relevant workshops and courses
Neuro -anatomy & -pathology workshop : Jan. 2018, VU Amsterdam
Biostatistics workshop : Jan. 2018, VU Amsterdam
Next generation sequencing workshop : June 2017, GenXPro
Brain barriers in vitro training : June 2017, Dr. M. Culot & Dr. M. Deli
Scitec-Media : Mar. 2017, Beat Glogger
3D-imaging workshop : Mar. 2017, LaVision
Zebra fish workshop : Mar. 2017, Prof. Dr. B. Vanhollebeke
Bioinformatics workshop : Mar. 2016, University of Bern
Training Course in Directing and Designing procedures for Experimental Animals : Jan.-Feb. 2014, UAM
Grants and awards
Best poster presentation by Fluids and Barriers of the CNS at the Barriers of the CNS, Gordon Research Conference, June 17th-22nd, 2018, Colby-Sawyer College, NH, USA
Marie Skłodowska Curie Fellowship (PhD position) H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015 675619, ESR 9. https://www.btrain-2020.eu/esrNine
Convenios Internacionales Scholarship to conduct my master’s project abroad, by the Autonomous University of Madrid, Sep. 2014
Erasmus Program Scholarship to study a full academic year abroad, Aug. 2012
Preview: Dominguez-Belloso A., & Liebner, S. (2018). The Fountain of Youth: It’s All in Our Veins. Neuron, 100(1), 9–11. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2018.09.038
In preparation: Dominguez-Belloso A., et al. Transcriptomic profiling and in vivo characterization of the BBB in AD reveal new therapeutic targets
2025Immune control of brain physiology., Nat Rev Immunol 2025 Jan; (): .
2022Isolation and Characterization of the Immune Cells from Micro-dissected Mouse Choroid Plexuses, JoVE J. 2022 ().
2020Advancing brain barriers RNA sequencing: guidelines from experimental design to publication., Fluids Barriers CNS 2020 Aug; 17(1): 51.
2018The Fountain of Youth: It’s All in Our Veins., Neuron 2018 10; 100(1): 9-11.