We are looking to recruit a Research Engineer for two years to work on an exciting P. vivax project. This position will work between the teams of Liliana Mancio-Silva, Catherine Bourgouin and Didier Menard at Institut Pasteur Paris, Michael Schoenhals at Institut Pasteur de Madagascar, and Lemu Golassa at Addis Ababa University. For more details about the position, please contact us via email. Visit https://emploi.pasteur.fr/offre-de-emploi/emploi-ingenieur-de-recherche-cdd-od-24-mois-h-f_6830.aspx to apply.
Date limite pour l'application
Dec 2021
2021-12-31 8:00:00
2021-12-31 18:00:00
Research Engineer
We are looking to recruit a Research Engineer for two years to work on an exciting P. vivax project. This position will work between the teams of Liliana Mancio-Silva, Catherine Bourgouin and Didier Menard […]
"25-28 rue du Dr. Roux, 75015, Paris"
Didier Ménard
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