PhD Thesis Defense: “Regulatory roots of cranial muscle diversity: Developmental origins of muscular resilience”
=>videoconference details to come soon
=>videoconference details to come soon
ZOOM CONNECTION LINK: Meeting ID: 879 3699 7511 Passcode: 180927
=> Videoconference details coming soon
Scientists from 12 countries met at the International Mammalian Genome Conference (IMGC) to share advances in mammalian genetics and genomics research. The event was held in Strasbourg for the fourth time in France. Local […]
=> Videoconference details below Soutenance de Thèse de Doctorat Sorbonne Université – Ecole Doctorale “Complexité du vivant” Piergiuseppe QUARATO Unité Méchanismes de l’Hérédité Epigénétique “Argonaute slicer activity is required for maternal mRNA clearance […]
DÉpartement des Parasites et Insectes Vecteurs Soutenance de thèse de doctorat Laura Piel Parasitologie moléculaire et Signalisation “Phenotypic and functional genetic analysis of stage-specific virulence attenuation during Leishmania donovani fitness gain in culture“ 16 […]
Dr. Alexandre ALMEIDA Microbiome Informatics team at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) “Uncovering the hidden diversity of the human gut microbiome through genome-resolved metagenomics” Friday, September 04th 2020 at 10:00 AM on Microsoft TEAMS […]
The symposium is cancelled in December 2020 and postponed on forthcoming date in 2021. [gview file=””]
The Institut Pasteur is hosting the online workshop “Transnational access (TNA): guidelines and procedures” that will take place on 21st and 22nd September 2020. The aim of this event is the establishment of guidelines […]
BioImage Informatics 2020 is an annual meeting in the processing, analysis, and extraction of information and knowledge from biological images. It will take place at the Institut Pasteur, Paris from September 30 to October […]
Milieu Intérieur Annual Meeting 2020 Agenda 09.05-09.20 Lluis Quintana-Murci Institut Pasteur – Welcome Chair – Lluis Quintana Murci 09.20-09.40 Petter Brodin Karolinska Institutet – Bifidobacteria-mediated immune system imprinting early in life 09.40-10.00 Cliona O’farrelly […]
So nice to be together again after lockdown !! Celebrating summer’s arrival and Suvadip and Thibault’s work published in IEEE Signal Processing Letters !! :)))
The CB UTechS and the HR training organised “Single-cell gene expression and beyond” webinar on the 11-12th of June, 2020. Two afternoons of webinars covering cutting-edge technologies for single-cell omics, microfluidics and the state-of-the-art for […]
This event, jointly organized by Institut Pasteur and Bruker Biospin, will be held on May 2-4, 2022, at Institut Pasteur in Paris This conference brings together internationally recognized experts with interests in the application […]
AVIS DE SOUTENANCE UNIVERSITÉ DE VERSAILLES SAINT-QUENTIN-EN-YVELINES Anne Marie WEHENKEL autorisée à présenter ses travaux en vue de l’obtention de l’Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches à l’Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines en Microbiologie Structurale: […]