
The 4th International Conference on Physics and Biological Systems
PhysBio 2018 will be held on Oct 22-24 2018 in Gif-sur-Yvette.
It aims to bring together a broad range of physical and
life scientists working at the interface between the two disciplines.
The program mainly comprises in-depth talks from first-rate
international speakers accessible to a broad audience. It also includes
a few short talks from invited Ph.D. students and a poster session.
– The conference website to register :
– Email address :
Registration free for students.
Early Registration: Sept 15 2018.
Registration fees (tax included): 72 € (before Sept 15) / 120 € (after Sept 15); Dinner at the castle : + 30 €.
We look forward to welcoming you in Gif-sur-Yvette!
The organizing committee
Mathilde Badoual, Christophe Le Clainche, Martin Lenz,
Eric Raspaud, Willy Supatto
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Adresse: CNRS Campus 1 Avenue de la Terrasse, 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette