Which mosquitoes transmit malaria? Is the tiger mosquito the vector of the Zika virus? How is the transmission going? Find answers in the MOOC “Medical Entomology”.
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What you will learn ?
At the end of this course, you will be able to :
1-Identify the main insects and other arthropods responsible for the transmission of viral, parasitic or bacterial pathogens
2- Explain the transmission cycles of pathogens from insects to humans.
3- Describe the environmental modifications that favour the dissemination of insect vectors outside their usual areas.
4- Recognise the role of mosquitoes and other arthropods in the occurrence of emerging or re-emerging infectious diseases.
5- Discuss measures to control vectors and/or their ability to infect humans.
This MOOC is part of the Online Diploma of infectious Diseases of the Institut Pasteur DNM2IP.
Enrollment: From February 02, 2023 to June 1st, 2023
Course: From April 13, 2023 to June 8, 2023
Languages: The videos are in English, with English and French subtitles.
More courses on: https://www.fun-mooc.fr/en/etablissements/institut-pasteur/