Webinar online
Okomera is a spin-off company from École Polytechnique and Institut Pasteur who develops a unique droplet microfluidic technology for functional 3D cell culture assays on chips. A single reproducible 3D cell culture is formed per droplet and can be kept in culture for up to a week on chip. This technology enables miniaturization (only few 100 µL needed for an assay), multiplexing (potentially up to 100 different conditions), high throughput (up to 1000 3D cell cultures produced in a single experiment) and high-content analysis (with a dedicated image analysis software after epi-fluorescence microscopy) in relevant 3D environments. Okomera is currently setting up its first machine in CB UTechS’ P2+ laboratory, making it available to the Pasteur community. This seminar combining an introduction from Okomera and presentations from 2 early adopters of the technology aims at presenting the technology’s potential for your 3D cell culture projects.
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