Lien vers Pubmed [PMID] – 31915232
Lien DOI – e00917-1910.1128/mSphere.00917-19
mSphere 2020 01; 5(1):
Sadri Znaidi works in the field of molecular mycology with a focus on functional genomics in Candida albicans In this mSphere of Influence article, he reflects on how the paper “An iron homeostasis regulatory circuit with reciprocal roles in Candida albicans commensalism and pathogenesis” by Chen et al. (C. Chen, K. Pande, S. D. French, B. B. Tuch, and S. M. Noble, Cell Host Microbe 10:118-135, 2011, made an impact on his research on how transcriptional regulatory networks function to control C. albicans’ ability to efficiently interact with the host environment.