Each year, we co-organize the “Mathematical and Computational Evolutionary Biology conference”, with colleagues from Montpellier.
The focus of this year’s edition will be on “Climate Changes and their Impacts on Evolution”, in particular the preservation of biodiversity, the conservation of species, the study of ecosystems and their dynamics, and the reconstruction of major past changes of climate and living conditions on Earth. All speakers will be kindly asked to say a few words (or a full talk!) on these crucial questions and how they interfere with their own research. Moreover, special attention will be given to Machine Learning approaches, which should be key in the development of complex models and the analysis of big data sets.
Beyond this year’s themes, general concepts, models, methods and algorithms will be presented and discussed, just as in the previous editions of MCEB. As usual, the meeting will bring together researchers originating from various disciplines: mathematics, computer science, phylogenetics, population genetics, epidemiology, ecological modeling … Keynote speakers will introduce a field of research and discuss their own work in this field (see below). Afternoon will be for short presentations and posters, with plenty of time for discussions. We will stop early every day, thus leaving time for other activities, such as hiking or swimming. The number of attendees will be limited to favor small group interactions.