Image analysis is about making sense of images thanks to computers and is both an area of Research and a paramount tool in Science. As imaging technologies and devices bloomed, extracting scientific information from images became a central preoccupation in Science and Engineering. We turn to this field when the questions we ask are about objects: how many objects can be found in an image, what is their size, their shape, how are they oriented, where are they respective to another type of object, how are they spatially arranged, etc. We start with raw images, and extract objects and analyze them further to yield quantitative information.
This workshop is suited to new PhD students that have no or very little experience with image analysis. It alternates between short lectures and practicals, and focuses on teaching image analysis rather than just the use of a software.
Bâtiment: Lwoff building
Adresse: Institut Pasteur, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France