Lien vers Pubmed [PMID] – 24389250
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 2014 Aug;1843(8):1568-77
Type II protein secretion systems (T2SS) are molecular machines that promote specific transport of folded periplasmic proteins in Gram-negative bacteria, across a dedicated channel in the outer membrane. Secreted substrates, released to the milieu or displayed on the cell surface, contribute to bacterial adaptation to a range of habitats, from deep-sea waters to animal and plant tissues. The past decade has seen remarkable progress in structural, biochemical and functional analysis of T2SS and related systems, bringing new mechanistic insights into these dynamic complexes. This review focuses on recent advances in the field, and discusses open questions regarding the secretion mechanism. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Protein trafficking and secretion in bacteria. Guest Editors: Anastassios Economou and Ross Dalbey.