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2019A Modified mRNA Vaccine Targeting Immunodominant NS Epitopes Protects Against Dengue Virus Infection in HLA Class I Transgenic Mice, Front. Immunol. 2019 Jun;10 (1424).
2018Joint ancestry and association test indicate two distinct pathogenic pathways involved in classical dengue fever and dengue shock syndrome, PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2018 02;12(2):e0006202.
2017Increased adaptive immune responses and proper feedback regulation protect against clinical dengue., Sci Transl Med 2017 Aug; 9(405): .
2017Autochthonous Japanese Encephalitis with Yellow Fever Coinfection in Africa., N Engl J Med 2017 04; 376(15): 1483-1485.
2015High Anti-Dengue Virus Activity of the OAS Gene Family Is Associated With Increased Severity of Dengue, J. Infect. Dis. 2015 Jun;.