- Left-click and drag the background to move the graph
- Left-click and drag the nodes to reorganize
- Left-click a node to view first level connections
- Double left-click a node to navigate to its page
- Double left-click the background to zoom in
- Right-click the background to zoom out
// graph team
sigma.canvas.nodes.image = (function() {
var _cache = {},
_loading = {},
_callbacks = {};
// Return the renderer itself:
var renderer = function(node, context, settings) {
var args = arguments,
prefix = settings('prefix') || '',
size = node[prefix + 'size'],
color = node.color || settings('defaultNodeColor'),
url = node.url;
if (_cache[url]) {;
// Draw the clipping disc:
node[prefix + 'x'],
node[prefix + 'y'],
node[prefix + 'size'],
Math.PI * 2,
// Draw the image
node[prefix + 'x'] - size,
node[prefix + 'y'] - size,
2 * size,
2 * size
// Quit the "clipping mode":
// Draw the border:
node[prefix + 'x'],
node[prefix + 'y'],
node[prefix + 'size'],
Math.PI * 2,
context.lineWidth = 1;
context.strokeStyle = node.color || settings('defaultNodeColor');
} else {
// Let's add a public method to cache images, to make it possible to
// preload images before the initial rendering:
renderer.cache = function(url, callback) {
if (callback)
_callbacks[url] = callback;
if (_loading[url])
var img = new Image();
img.onload = function() {
_loading[url] = false;
_cache[url] = img;
if (_callbacks[url]) {
_callbacks[url].call(this, img);
delete _callbacks[url];
_loading[url] = true;
img.src = url;
return renderer;
var i,
offset_left = 0.5,
N = 1,
E = 40,
C = 5,
d = 0.5,
cs = [],
g = {
nodes: [],
edges: []
if (!sigma.classes.graph.hasMethod('neighbors')){
sigma.classes.graph.addMethod('neighbors', function(nodeId) {
var k,
neighbors = {},
index = this.allNeighborsIndex[nodeId] || {};
for (k in index)
neighbors[k] = this.nodesIndex[k];
return neighbors;
//adding the central node
id: 191152,
label: 'ICAReB-biobank : Integrated Collections for Adaptive Research in Biomedicine',
type: 'image',
url: '',
x: 0,
y: 0,
size: 30,
color: '#DDDDDD'
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 0 * Math.PI / N) * 2;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 0 * Math.PI / N) * 2;
var biggest_node_size = 0;
//check if content already exist
x_site = Math.cos(2 * 0 * Math.PI / N) * 2;
y_site = Math.sin(2 * 0 * Math.PI / N) * 2;
// adding site
id: 74238,
label: 'Remy Artus',
type: 'image',
url: '®my-1-150x150.jpg',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 16,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 19115274238,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 74238 });
//check if content already exist
x_site = Math.cos(2 * 1 * Math.PI / N) * 2;
y_site = Math.sin(2 * 1 * Math.PI / N) * 2;
// adding site
id: 98371,
label: 'Linda Sangari',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 16,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 19115298371,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 98371 });
//check if content already exist
x_site = Math.cos(2 * 2 * Math.PI / N) * 2;
y_site = Math.sin(2 * 2 * Math.PI / N) * 2;
// adding site
id: 181838,
label: 'Sophie Vacant',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 16,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 191152181838,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 181838 });
//check if content already exist
x_site = Math.cos(2 * 3 * Math.PI / N) * 2;
y_site = Math.sin(2 * 3 * Math.PI / N) * 2;
// adding site
id: 154414,
label: 'Dorian Cheval',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 16,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 191152154414,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 154414 });
//check if content already exist
x_site = Math.cos(2 * 4 * Math.PI / N) * 2;
y_site = Math.sin(2 * 4 * Math.PI / N) * 2;
// adding site
id: 195359,
label: 'Marine Samson',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 16,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 191152195359,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 195359 });
//check if content already exist
x_site = Math.cos(2 * 5 * Math.PI / N) * 2;
y_site = Math.sin(2 * 5 * Math.PI / N) * 2;
// adding site
id: 167546,
label: 'Emmanuel Roux',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 16,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 191152167546,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 167546 });
// update positions
x_node = Math.cos(2 * 0 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
y_node = Math.sin(2 * 0 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 0 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 0 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 229225,
label: 'PROJECT: Facteurs environnementaux et alimentaires impliqués dans la régulation du microbiote-ENVIMIC',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 24,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 191152229225,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 229225 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 225382,
label: 'Benoît Chassaing',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 229225225382,
size: 0.5,
source: 229225,
target: 225382 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 8600,
label: 'Hélène Laude',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 2292258600,
size: 0.5,
source: 229225,
target: 8600 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 1 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 1 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 231084,
label: 'PROJECT: Recherche de variants génétiques prédisposant à la survenue de l’hidradénite suppurée et de l’acné fulminante chez 16 patients par séquençage d’exome : ASH (2024-041)',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 24,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 191152231084,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 231084 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 80515,
label: 'Aude Nassif',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 23108480515,
size: 0.5,
source: 231084,
target: 80515 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 2 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 2 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 230521,
label: 'PROJECT: Étude du rôle du sexe biologique dans les interactions hôte-pathogène et l’immunité contre l’infection urinaire : URIBOC (2024-021)',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 24,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 191152230521,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 230521 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 3903,
label: 'Molly Ingersoll',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 2305213903,
size: 0.5,
source: 230521,
target: 3903 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 8600) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 2305218600,
size: 0.5,
source: 230521,
target: 8600 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 3 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 3 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 228824,
label: 'PROJECT: Étude de la réponse vaccinale induite par un vaccin vivant “IVORY1” (2023-048)',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 24,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 191152228824,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 228824 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 81076,
label: 'Sandrine Fernandes Pellerin',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 22882481076,
size: 0.5,
source: 228824,
target: 81076 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 209482,
label: 'Aria Allahverdi',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 228824209482,
size: 0.5,
source: 228824,
target: 209482 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4723,
label: 'Jessica Quintin',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 2288244723,
size: 0.5,
source: 228824,
target: 4723 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 8600) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 2288248600,
size: 0.5,
source: 228824,
target: 8600 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 8541,
label: 'Fabien Taieb',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 2288248541,
size: 0.5,
source: 228824,
target: 8541 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 4 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 4 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 227466,
label: 'PROJECT: Effet des mutations du gène Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) dans la réponse immune antitumorale : Pro4TCan.',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 24,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 191152227466,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 227466 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 3907,
label: 'Andres Alcover',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 2274663907,
size: 0.5,
source: 227466,
target: 3907 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 5 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 5 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 215621,
label: 'PROJECT: Identification de marqueurs sanguins permettant d’évaluer la toxicité de bactériophages : PHAGESAFETY (2023-001)',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 24,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 191152215621,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 215621 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4282,
label: 'Laurent Debarbieux',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 2156214282,
size: 0.5,
source: 215621,
target: 4282 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 8600) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 2156218600,
size: 0.5,
source: 215621,
target: 8600 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 6 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 6 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 227877,
label: 'PROJECT: Étude de l’activité biologique et du mécanisme d’action de copolypeptoïdes cationiques sur Clostridioides difficile “THERAPEPTICS” (2024-039)',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 24,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 191152227877,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 227877 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4214,
label: 'Bruno Dupuy',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 2278774214,
size: 0.5,
source: 227877,
target: 4214 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 8600) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 2278778600,
size: 0.5,
source: 227877,
target: 8600 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 7 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 7 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 219398,
label: 'PROJECT: Mise au point d’une méthode de culture in vitro du parasite Plasmodium vivax : VICTOR (2023-031)',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 24,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 191152219398,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 219398 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 8600) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 2193988600,
size: 0.5,
source: 219398,
target: 8600 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4759,
label: 'Catherine Bourgouin',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 2193984759,
size: 0.5,
source: 219398,
target: 4759 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 8 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 8 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 227249,
label: 'PROJECT: Étude d’une molécule potentialisant l’effet bactéricide des aminosides : POTAG (2023-039)',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 24,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 191152227249,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 227249 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4535,
label: 'Zeynep Baharoglu',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 2272494535,
size: 0.5,
source: 227249,
target: 4535 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 8600) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 2272498600,
size: 0.5,
source: 227249,
target: 8600 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 9 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 9 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 226004,
label: 'PROJECT: Constitution de la biobanque de kératinocytes primaires pour générer des organoïdes épidermiques “EpiOrganoids”',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 24,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 191152226004,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 226004 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4172,
label: 'Laure Guenin-Mace',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 2260044172,
size: 0.5,
source: 226004,
target: 4172 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4171,
label: 'Caroline Demangel',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 2260044171,
size: 0.5,
source: 226004,
target: 4171 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 10 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 10 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 218966,
label: 'PROJECT: Étude de la réponse inflammatoire médiée par les polynucléaires neutrophiles au cours des accidents vasculaires cérébraux : NEUTROBLOOD (2023-037)',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 24,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 191152218966,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 218966 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 156713,
label: 'Aleksandra Deczkowska',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 218966156713,
size: 0.5,
source: 218966,
target: 156713 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 8600) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 2189668600,
size: 0.5,
source: 218966,
target: 8600 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 11 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 11 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 218971,
label: 'PROJECT: Apprentissage de l’utilisation de technologies de pointe d’analyse de marqueurs de la réponse immunitaire dans le cadre du Master 2 intitulé « Immunologie approfondie » TPAI (2023-027)',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 24,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 191152218971,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 218971 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 8600) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 2189718600,
size: 0.5,
source: 218971,
target: 8600 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 7837,
label: 'Milena Hasan',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 2189717837,
size: 0.5,
source: 218971,
target: 7837 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 12 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 12 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 221159,
label: 'PROJECT: Développement et validation de technologies de pointe d’analyse de la réponse immunologique : TTP (2024-005)',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 24,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 191152221159,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 221159 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 7837) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 2211597837,
size: 0.5,
source: 221159,
target: 7837 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 8600) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 2211598600,
size: 0.5,
source: 221159,
target: 8600 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 13 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 13 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 215612,
label: 'PROJECT: Développement d’une technique d’analyse de la réponse immunitaire permettant d’évaluer l’efficacité de vaccins anti-cancer : IMMUNSCAN-PILOTE (2023-005)',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 24,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 191152215612,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 215612 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 8600) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 2156128600,
size: 0.5,
source: 215612,
target: 8600 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 57470,
label: 'Blanca Liliana Perlaza',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 21561257470,
size: 0.5,
source: 215612,
target: 57470 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4958,
label: 'Laurence Arowas',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 2156124958,
size: 0.5,
source: 215612,
target: 4958 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 200933,
label: 'Magdalena Stroksztejn',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 215612200933,
size: 0.5,
source: 215612,
target: 200933 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 7837) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 2156127837,
size: 0.5,
source: 215612,
target: 7837 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 14 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 14 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 220807,
label: 'PROJECT: Mise au point d’une méthode d’analyse de la réponse immunitaire physiologique (VARIMMET) : 2023-030',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 24,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 191152220807,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 220807 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 57470) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 22080757470,
size: 0.5,
source: 220807,
target: 57470 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 4958) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 2208074958,
size: 0.5,
source: 220807,
target: 4958 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 74238) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 22080774238,
size: 0.5,
source: 220807,
target: 74238 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 200933) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 220807200933,
size: 0.5,
source: 220807,
target: 200933 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 7844,
label: 'Darragh Duffy',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 2208077844,
size: 0.5,
source: 220807,
target: 7844 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 8600) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 2208078600,
size: 0.5,
source: 220807,
target: 8600 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 15 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 15 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 218142,
label: 'PROJECT: Caractérisation du rôle récepteur cellulaire utilisé par le parasite Plasmodium vivax au cours des formes bénignes mais récurrentes de paludisme : PVINVASION (2023-028).',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 24,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 191152218142,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 218142 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4942,
label: 'Eric Legrand',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 2181424942,
size: 0.5,
source: 218142,
target: 4942 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4058,
label: 'Chetan Chitnis',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 2181424058,
size: 0.5,
source: 218142,
target: 4058 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 8600) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 2181428600,
size: 0.5,
source: 218142,
target: 8600 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 16 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 16 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 218172,
label: 'PROJECT: Étude du rôle de gènes viraux dans la transmission des arbovirus par les moustiques : HB4EIMA (2023-007)',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 24,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 191152218172,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 218172 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 200933) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 218172200933,
size: 0.5,
source: 218172,
target: 200933 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4775,
label: 'Carla Saleh',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 2181724775,
size: 0.5,
source: 218172,
target: 4775 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 8600) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 2181728600,
size: 0.5,
source: 218172,
target: 8600 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 17 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 17 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 215624,
label: 'PROJECT: Mise au point d’une technique d’identification de molécules bactériennes ayant un effet anti-inflammatoire au niveau intestinal : FLAMCHIP (2023-023)',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 24,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 191152215624,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 215624 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 8600) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 2156248600,
size: 0.5,
source: 215624,
target: 8600 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 200933) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 215624200933,
size: 0.5,
source: 215624,
target: 200933 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 167546) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 215624167546,
size: 0.5,
source: 215624,
target: 167546 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4792,
label: 'Nathalie Sauvonnet',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 2156244792,
size: 0.5,
source: 215624,
target: 4792 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 18 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 18 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 215833,
label: 'PROJECT: Étude des traitements antipaludiques : identification de nouveaux candidats médicaments et notamment des anticorps : BPV (2023-018)',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 24,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 191152215833,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 215833 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 4942) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 2158334942,
size: 0.5,
source: 215833,
target: 4942 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 4058) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 2158334058,
size: 0.5,
source: 215833,
target: 4058 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 8600) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 2158338600,
size: 0.5,
source: 215833,
target: 8600 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 19 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 19 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 215687,
label: 'PROJECT: Étude du phénomène de libération par les polynucléaires neutrophiles de fibres d’ADN et de protéines : NETOSIS (2023-026)',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 24,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 191152215687,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 215687 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4000,
label: 'Friederike Jönsson',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 2156874000,
size: 0.5,
source: 215687,
target: 4000 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 8600) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 2156878600,
size: 0.5,
source: 215687,
target: 8600 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 20 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 20 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 215571,
label: 'PROJECT: Mise au point d’une méthode de mesure de la longueur des télomères de cellules du sang prélevé sur du papier buvard “TELOBUV “(2023-021).',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 24,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 191152215571,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 215571 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4263,
label: 'Yoann Madec',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 2155714263,
size: 0.5,
source: 215571,
target: 4263 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 21 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 21 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 211727,
label: 'PROJECT: Interaction entre les micro-organismes transmis par voies respiratoires et les cellules épithéliales nasales : NASOBACT',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 24,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 191152211727,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 211727 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 8600) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 2117278600,
size: 0.5,
source: 211727,
target: 8600 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4087,
label: 'Mélanie Hamon',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 2117274087,
size: 0.5,
source: 211727,
target: 4087 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 22 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 22 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 211613,
label: 'PROJECT: Utilisation de sérums et plasmas de sujets contrôles négatifs pour la réalisation de tests diagnostiques sérologiques des infections à Méningocoques – SBAcom',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 24,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 191152211613,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 211613 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 200933) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 211613200933,
size: 0.5,
source: 211613,
target: 200933 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 8600) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 2116138600,
size: 0.5,
source: 211613,
target: 8600 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4860,
label: 'Muhamed-Kheir Taha',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 2116134860,
size: 0.5,
source: 211613,
target: 4860 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 23 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 23 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 208473,
label: 'PROJECT: Écologie, évolution et génétique des interactions insectes-virus-LIPOARBO',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 24,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 191152208473,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 208473 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4438,
label: 'Louis Lambrechts',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 2084734438,
size: 0.5,
source: 208473,
target: 4438 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 8600) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 2084738600,
size: 0.5,
source: 208473,
target: 8600 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 24 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 24 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 211303,
label: 'PROJECT: Culture in vitro de stades sanguins de parasites humains Plasmodium pour la production de gamétocytes et l’infection de moustiques Anophèles : CEPIA2023 (2023-008)',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 24,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 191152211303,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 211303 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 8600) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 2113038600,
size: 0.5,
source: 211303,
target: 8600 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4564,
label: 'Sabine Thiberge',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 2113034564,
size: 0.5,
source: 211303,
target: 4564 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 25 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 25 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 208283,
label: 'PROJECT: Étude des interactions des bactéries intracellulaires pathogènes avec les globules blancs humains : NEUTROPat (2023-011)',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 24,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 191152208283,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 208283 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 8600) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 2082838600,
size: 0.5,
source: 208283,
target: 8600 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4094,
label: 'Javier Pizarro-Cerda',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 2082834094,
size: 0.5,
source: 208283,
target: 4094 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 26 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 26 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 193368,
label: 'NEWS: PREGASIGN: Signatures de biomarqueurs circulants pour la détection des lésions de prénéoplasie et de cancer gastrique',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 24,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 191152193368,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 193368 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4121,
label: 'Eliette Touati',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 1933684121,
size: 0.5,
source: 193368,
target: 4121 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 63220,
label: 'Karine Nozeret',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 19336863220,
size: 0.5,
source: 193368,
target: 63220 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 8445,
label: 'Valérie Michel',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 1933688445,
size: 0.5,
source: 193368,
target: 8445 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 8600) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 1933688600,
size: 0.5,
source: 193368,
target: 8600 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 167546) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 193368167546,
size: 0.5,
source: 193368,
target: 167546 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 78192,
label: 'Olivia Chény',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 19336878192,
size: 0.5,
source: 193368,
target: 78192 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4261,
label: 'Mohand AÏt Ahmed',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 1933684261,
size: 0.5,
source: 193368,
target: 4261 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 7888,
label: 'Nathalie Jolly',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 1933687888,
size: 0.5,
source: 193368,
target: 7888 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 109847,
label: 'Tan Phuc Buivan',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 193368109847,
size: 0.5,
source: 193368,
target: 109847 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 141177,
label: 'Marie Sanchez',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 193368141177,
size: 0.5,
source: 193368,
target: 141177 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 211463,
label: 'Julia ABAD',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 193368211463,
size: 0.5,
source: 193368,
target: 211463 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 27 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 27 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 192139,
label: 'COURSE: Biobanking MOOC',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 24,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 191152192139,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 192139 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 183185,
label: 'Fay Betsou',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 192139183185,
size: 0.5,
source: 192139,
target: 183185 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 6817,
label: 'Raquel Hurtado Ortiz',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 1921396817,
size: 0.5,
source: 192139,
target: 6817 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 7063,
label: 'Monica Sala',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 1921397063,
size: 0.5,
source: 192139,
target: 7063 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 6816,
label: 'Clementine Schilte',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 1921396816,
size: 0.5,
source: 192139,
target: 6816 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4541,
label: 'Didier Mazel',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 1921394541,
size: 0.5,
source: 192139,
target: 4541 });
//check if content already exist
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x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 7209,
label: 'Philippe Glaser',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 1921397209,
size: 0.5,
source: 192139,
target: 7209 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 187839,
label: 'Paul Rochette',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 192139187839,
size: 0.5,
source: 192139,
target: 187839 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 28 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 28 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 179807,
label: 'PROJECT: Cohorte de sujets issus de la population générale en bonne santé globale permettant la réalisation de recherches expérimentales préliminaires – COSIPOP',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 24,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 191152179807,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 179807 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 7875,
label: 'Christine Fanaud',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 1798077875,
size: 0.5,
source: 179807,
target: 7875 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 4958) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 1798074958,
size: 0.5,
source: 179807,
target: 4958 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 194799,
label: 'Maurine Delhaye',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 179807194799,
size: 0.5,
source: 179807,
target: 194799 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 215553,
label: 'Clémence Noury',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 179807215553,
size: 0.5,
source: 179807,
target: 215553 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 57470) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 17980757470,
size: 0.5,
source: 179807,
target: 57470 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 154423,
label: 'Ayla Zayoud',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 179807154423,
size: 0.5,
source: 179807,
target: 154423 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 228529,
label: 'Emilie Nguyen',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 179807228529,
size: 0.5,
source: 179807,
target: 228529 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 8600) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 1798078600,
size: 0.5,
source: 179807,
target: 8600 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 7888) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 1798077888,
size: 0.5,
source: 179807,
target: 7888 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 167546) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 179807167546,
size: 0.5,
source: 179807,
target: 167546 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 29 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 29 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 144997,
label: 'CENTER: Centre de Ressources Biologiques de l’Institut Pasteur (CRBIP)',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 24,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 191152144997,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 144997 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 149334,
label: 'Federica Palma',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 144997149334,
size: 0.5,
source: 144997,
target: 149334 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4787,
label: 'Mariana Ferrari',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 1449974787,
size: 0.5,
source: 144997,
target: 4787 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 7759,
label: 'Alexis Criscuolo',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 1449977759,
size: 0.5,
source: 144997,
target: 7759 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 202209,
label: 'Valentine Piquard',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 144997202209,
size: 0.5,
source: 144997,
target: 202209 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 202211,
label: 'Jacques Vanhoutte',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 144997202211,
size: 0.5,
source: 144997,
target: 202211 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 229275,
label: 'Augusto Mantilla Ayala',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 144997229275,
size: 0.5,
source: 144997,
target: 229275 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 229109,
label: 'Hanae Chouali',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 144997229109,
size: 0.5,
source: 144997,
target: 229109 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 183185) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 144997183185,
size: 0.5,
source: 144997,
target: 183185 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 2495,
label: 'Sylvain Brisse',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 1449972495,
size: 0.5,
source: 144997,
target: 2495 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 4282) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 1449974282,
size: 0.5,
source: 144997,
target: 4282 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 3957,
label: 'David Bikard',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 1449973957,
size: 0.5,
source: 144997,
target: 3957 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4355,
label: 'Ivo Gomperts Boneca',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 1449974355,
size: 0.5,
source: 144997,
target: 4355 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4052,
label: 'Francesca Di Nunzio',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 1449974052,
size: 0.5,
source: 144997,
target: 4052 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 30 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 30 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 128645,
label: 'PROJECT: Projet ABCESS2 : Traitement de l’Hidrosadénite Suppurée de stade 2 de Hurley active: un essai de phase 3 multicentrique randomisé en double insu évaluant l’efficacité d’un traitement par antibiothérapie adaptée versus un dérivé de tétracycline',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 24,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 191152128645,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 128645 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 80519,
label: 'Maia Delage Toriel',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 12864580519,
size: 0.5,
source: 128645,
target: 80519 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 80515) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 12864580515,
size: 0.5,
source: 128645,
target: 80515 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 78192) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 12864578192,
size: 0.5,
source: 128645,
target: 78192 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 147177,
label: 'Nastassia Tvardik',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 128645147177,
size: 0.5,
source: 128645,
target: 147177 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 55928,
label: 'Anaïs Perilhou',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 12864555928,
size: 0.5,
source: 128645,
target: 55928 });
//check if content already exist
// update node size depending on the amount of edges
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 209482) {
n.size = n.size + 10;
if ( n.size > biggest_node_size ){
biggest_node_size = n.size;
g.nodes.forEach(function(n) {
if ( == 191152) {
if ( n.size < biggest_node_size ){
n.size = biggest_node_size;
//link to content
id: 128645209482,
size: 0.5,
source: 128645,
target: 209482 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 4380,
label: 'Lénaig Le Fouler',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 1286454380,
size: 0.5,
source: 128645,
target: 4380 });
// adding node
var x_node = Math.cos(2 * 31 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
var y_node = Math.sin(2 * 31 * Math.PI / N) * 10;
id: 125756,
label: 'DEPARTMENT: Santé Globale',
x: x_node,
y: y_node,
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
size: 24,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link content to central post
id: 191152125756,
size: 0.5,
source: 191152,
target: 125756 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 174732,
label: 'Bérangère Virlon',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 125756174732,
size: 0.5,
source: 125756,
target: 174732 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 188247,
label: 'Agnès Mer Appere',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 125756188247,
size: 0.5,
source: 125756,
target: 188247 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 3977,
label: 'Hervé Bourhy',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 1257563977,
size: 0.5,
source: 125756,
target: 3977 });
//check if content already exist
if (x_node<0){
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
x_site = x_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
if (y_node<0){
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) - offset_left;
y_site = y_node + ((Math.random() * 2)-1) + offset_left;
// adding site
id: 94079,
label: 'Michael White',
type: 'image',
url: '',
page_url: '',
x: x_site,
y: y_site,
size: 10,
color: '#DDDDDD'
//link to content
id: 12575694079,
size: 0.5,
source: 125756,
target: 94079 });
var s = new sigma({
//container: document.getElementById('graph-main'),
graph: g,
renderer: {
// This works only with the canvas renderer, so the
// renderer type set as "canvas" is necessary here.
container: document.getElementById('graph-main'),
type: 'canvas'
settings: {
minNodeSize: 12,
maxNodeSize: 30,
mouseWheelEnabled: false,
font: 'Montserrat',
defaultNodeBorderColor: '#333',
// We first need to save the original colors of our
// nodes and edges, like this:
s.graph.nodes().forEach(function(n) {
n.originalColor = n.color;
s.graph.edges().forEach(function(e) {
e.originalColor = e.color;
// When a node is clicked, we check for each node
// if it is a neighbor of the clicked one. If not,
// we set its color as grey, and else, it takes its
// original color.
// We do the same for the edges, and we only keep
// edges that have both extremities colored.
s.bind('clickNode', function(e) {
var nodeId =,
toKeep = s.graph.neighbors(nodeId);
toKeep[nodeId] =;
s.graph.nodes().forEach(function(n) {
if (toKeep[])
n.color = '#35a9f5';
n.color = '#dddddd';
s.graph.edges().forEach(function(e) {
if (toKeep[e.source] && toKeep[])
e.color = '#35a9f5';
e.color = '#dddddd';
// Since the data has been modified, we need to
// call the refresh method to make the colors
// update effective.
// When the stage is clicked, we just color each
// node and edge with its original color.
s.bind('clickStage', function(e) {
s.graph.nodes().forEach(function(n) {
n.color = n.originalColor;
s.graph.edges().forEach(function(e) {
e.color = e.originalColor;
// Same as in the previous event:
s.bind("doubleClickNode", function (e) {
$("#canvas-wrap, .sigma-scene, .sigma-mouse").val();
ajax_load_page( );
var c =;
s.bind("rightClickStage", function (e) {, {
ratio: c.ratio * c.settings('zoomingRatio')
}, {
duration: 200
// Configure the noverlap layout:
var noverlapListener = s.configNoverlap({
nodeMargin: 10,
scaleNodes: 0.3,
gridSize: 1,
easing: 'quadraticInOut', // animation transition function
duration: 4000 // animation duration. Long here for the purposes of this example only
// Bind the events:
noverlapListener.bind('start stop interpolate', function(e) {
if(e.type === 'start') {
if(e.type === 'interpolate') {
// Start the layout:
// Initialize the dragNodes plugin:
var dragListener = sigma.plugins.dragNodes(s, s.renderers[0]);
dragListener.bind('startdrag', function(event) {
dragListener.bind('drag', function(event) {
dragListener.bind('drop', function(event) {
dragListener.bind('dragend', function(event) {