Our group studies the relationship between chromatin composition, genome organization, and transcription in the most virulent human malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. Each stage of this parasite’s complicated life cycle between the human host and insect vector is driven by a specific transcriptional program. We are interested in discovering and elucidating the factors that regulate these dynamic transcriptional changes in the hopes of disrupting biological processes that are important for the parasite’s survival.
Former Members
Catarina Maria Da Silva Rosa
PhD Student/Postdoc
Featured publications
2023Cohesin contributes to transcriptional repression of stage-specific genes in the human malaria parasite., EMBO Rep 2023 Aug; (): e57090.
2020Exploring the virulence gene interactome with CRISPR/dCas9 in the human malaria parasite., Mol Syst Biol 2020 08; 16(8): e9569.
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Pictures & Media
We officially welcome Maureen to the team! Congrats on passing the Sorbonne concours! October 2024
Parul giving an excellent presentation of her work at BioMalParXX. May 2024
Catarina and Parul representing the group at the Molecular Parasitology Meeting. September 2023