Humoral immunity [90]

Marius Allombert
Humoral Immunology

Benoit Chassaing
Microbiome-Host Interactions
Benoit obtained his PhD in microbiology at the University of Clermont-Ferrand (France), identifying factors involved in the virulence of adherent and invasive Escherichia coli. He then joined Georgia State University, first as a postdoctoral fellow with Andrew […]


Development of a new vaccine against Plague
Christian Demeure

FURTHEST: Unraveling the Foamy Virus interactions with the host: insights into the molecular mechanisms of entry and neutralization
Florence Buseyne

The microbial communities that live with us, the microbiota, are now understood to be a key component of our being, playing roles in metabolism, immunity and behavior. More than a decade has elapsed since […]

Antiviral Activities of Antibodies
Timothée Bruel

PER-SEVERE: Defining the contribution of variable microbial factors and host immunity to pertussis severity
Carla Rodrigues

PoxVac22 – Description of the kinetics of the clinical and biological aspects of the persons consulting in the framework of the management of the MONKEYPOX disease
Fabien Taieb

CoNCEPT – Clinical NeurosCiencE & PsychiaTry
Pierre-Marie Lledo • Gérard Eberl

Center for Vaccinology and Immunotherapy (CVI)
Vaccines and immunotherapies have had a major positive impact on public health world-wide through disease prevention and treatment that can be measured in millions of lives saved. Despite the successes, we still face major […]

Institut Pasteur-TheraVectys Joint Laboratory
Pierre Charneau

Symphony A5 – Cytometer • BD
Flow Cytometry Platform
Stéphane Pelleau
Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Analytics
My research interests focus on the interaction between malaria parasites and its human host through the analysis of biological mechanisms such as drug resistance or immunity that have an impact on disease epidemiology and […]