Clinical research [198]

Spleen, Parasites & Infections
Pierre Buffet

Sandra Baya

Impact des agonistes du GLP-1 chez des patients souffrant d’Hidradénite Supurée (HS)
Maia Delage Toriel • Aude Nassif

PvSTATEM: Serological testing & treatment of vivax malaria
Michael White

The microbial communities that live with us, the microbiota, are now understood to be a key component of our being, playing roles in metabolism, immunity and behavior. More than a decade has elapsed since […]

PERT-SEVERE II – Impact de l’expression bactérienne et de la réponse immunitaire dans la gravité de la coqueluche
Julie Toubiana

CoVariant – Comprendre les déterminants de l’immunité muqueuse et optimiser le diagnostic de l’infection aux variants du SARS-CoV-2
Sylvie van Der Werf • Hélène Laude

Elimination of viral hepatitis
Yusuke Shimakawa

Pluripotent stem cells in mammals (SBRI, Inserm)
Team leader : Pierre Savatier We explore the mechanisms of self-renewal and pluripotency using embryonic stem cells from several mammalian sepcies. In particular, we explore ground state pluripotency in the rabbit and primate pre-implantation […]

Pierre Savatier (SBRI, Inserm)
Pierre Savatier Pluripotent Stem Cells in Mammals Stem-cell and Brain Research Institute 18 avenue Doyen Lépine 69500 Bron Tel +334 72 91 34 42 Email: pierre.savatier@inserm.fr We study the molecular and cellular mechanisms responsible […]

Stéphane Blot (BNMS, Enva)
Biotherapy & large animal models of NMDs group Biology of the neuromuscular system team (F.Relaix, IMRB, Créteil) We study the skeletal muscles of the body that allow an individual to hold a posture, to […]

Antiviral Activities of Antibodies
Timothée Bruel

Embryo and Pluripotency : Epigenetic and Environment (EPEE, INRAE)
OUR OBJECTIVES Understanding the early stages of the development of mammalian embryos from fertilisation to the establishment of the first differentiation events. To this end, a multi-species approach is used by studying mainly bovine, […]

Alice Jouneau (EPEE – INRAE)
Team website : Embryo and Pluripotency : Epigenetic and Environment (EPEE) Labex Revive partner

Motoneuron diseases (I-Stem, Evry)
The lack of pertinent models for neuromuscular disorders has rendered many important questions in disease pathogenesis inaccessible. Current drugs provide only limited benefit by alleviating certain symptoms. Clearly, the development of efficacious preventive or […]