Cell biology and developmental biology [600]
Flora Crozet
Cell death and epithelial homeostasis
Remi Trimbour
Machine Learning for integrative genomics
Giovanna Barba-Spaeth
Cell-Cell Interactions in Neurodegenerative diseases: Models and Biotherapies (CEA)
Research focus and objectives of the team Our working hypothesis is that the selective neuronal dysfunctions and death occurring in many neurodegenerative diseases originate not only from neuron-intrinsic impairments but also from the convergence […]
Anselme Perrier (CEA)
Anselme Perrier « Cell-Cell Interactions in Neuroddegenerative Diseases : Models and Biotherapies » (co-director) CEA MIRCen, CEA/CNRS/Paris-Sud Univ. UMR9199, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France Team website Labex Revive partner
Pluripotent stem cells in mammals (SBRI, Inserm)
Team leader : Pierre Savatier We explore the mechanisms of self-renewal and pluripotency using embryonic stem cells from several mammalian sepcies. In particular, we explore ground state pluripotency in the rabbit and primate pre-implantation […]
Pierre Savatier (SBRI, Inserm)
Pierre Savatier Pluripotent Stem Cells in Mammals Stem-cell and Brain Research Institute 18 avenue Doyen Lépine 69500 Bron Tel +334 72 91 34 42 Email: pierre.savatier@inserm.fr We study the molecular and cellular mechanisms responsible […]
Stéphane Blot (BNMS, Enva)
Biotherapy & large animal models of NMDs group Biology of the neuromuscular system team (F.Relaix, IMRB, Créteil) We study the skeletal muscles of the body that allow an individual to hold a posture, to […]
Severine Boillee (ICM)
PhD, CR1, INSERM Equipe “Causes de la SLA et mécanismes de la dégénérescence motoneuronale” Labex Revive partner : Delphine Bohl
ALS : causes and mechanisms of motor neuron degeneration (ICM)
Main domain : Cellular & molecular neurosciences Subdomain : Clinical & translational neurosciences Séverine BOILLEE’s team investigates mechanisms of motor neuron (MN) degeneration in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease) resulting from […]
Delphine Bohl (ICM, Paris)
Research work My work aims to study the mechanisms leading to motor neuron degeneration and death in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) using iPSC models. ALS is a heterogeneous disease under different aspects (genetic, clinical). […]
Biology of the neuromuscular system (IMRB, Inserm, Créteil)
Director Frédéric Relaix Scientific projects Muscle stem cells in the forefront of myogenesis Interactions of stem cells with their environment Pathogenesis and therapy of neuromuscular disorders Neural crest cell plasticity, migration and fate Stem […]
Frédéric Relaix (Institut Mondor de Recherche Biomédicale – IMRB)
Team director : Biology of the neuromuscular system Institut Mondor de recherche Biomédicale UMR U955 – INSERM – UPEC Faculté de Santé de Créteil 8 rue du Général Sarrail 94010 Créteil cedex Tél. : […]
Functional pancreatic beta cell mass in rodent and human (Institut Cochin, Inserm)
Director : Raphael Scharfmann Team website Pancreatic beta cells are specialized factories devoted to produce large amounts of insulin that is stored within granules and secreted in a tightly regulated fashion. In the pancreas, […]
Raphael Scharfmann (Institut Cochin, Paris)
Functional pancreatic beta cell mass in rodent and human Pancreatic beta cells are specialized factories devoted to produce large amounts of insulin that is stored within granules and secreted in a tightly regulated fashion. […]